They have moved from human camera operators to AI ones but its ‘ball tracking technology’ kept thinking his bald head was the ball so those watching at home kept seeing the camera switch to him running up and down the line. They even missed their goal because of it. The video is great!
I woke up this morning having a bad day. I've not seen my wife since June. I can't go out unless I sit in a corner on my own. I miss my friends, whom I can't see and they can't visit me. I see my 91 year old mum for about 5 minutes once every 2 weeks when I do her shopping. I just can't see an end to this crisis, people fall ill and some die, while the politicians bicker. What a thoroughly depressing set of thoughts to start a day. So thank you for posting that video. It's fixed all of the above. Feel much better now, thanks again
Sorry to hear that mate, I can't see an end to it either. Luckily I moved in with Anne (you met her the night we crowd surfed the flag) in January due to me falling off my bike, cracking my skull, separating my clavicle and cracking a few ribs. We got engaged in September. My daughter and granddaughter are now living in my house.
Chin up mate. We'll get through this together. Sod the Government. If you want a chat or owt, to get it off your chest, just send me a Private Mail or summat. We'll get through this together mate
How are we going to get through it together? We're not allowed to see each other. The last words that came out of my mouth were "see you on Monday" to my boss after we had a chat in his office before I left work at about 6 pm yesterday. The next words that will come out of my mouth will be "Morning, have a good weekend?" to the one person who continues to work in my office. For a few months it was just me in there, so there wasn't even a "Good morning", but he really was suffering, working from home alone, never seeing anyone, so we brought him back in and he's doing OK now. It's only half ten in the morning and all I can think about is going to the offy and getting a couple of bottles of wine so at least today will go away. There is no together.
Just trying to offer a line of hope to others mate. To let them know that they aren't alone - they can chat to others on here to get frustrations out of the way. I know it isn't the same as face to face - I have after all been living in the same environment for the last 6 months. I don't want people "isolating" themselves, I'm saying get on here and share things - we'll try and help out wherever and however we can. That's all I'm saying mate, just trying to be there for each other. The BBS has been a godsend really, having somewhere to come to get things off the chest, have a laugh, have a joke, share things, reminisce. That's what I mean Jay.
I wasn't having a go mate, I know what you offered was very kind and sincere. It was a rant at the situation, not you.
I'm really worried about the people I know who live on their own. To be honest, being stuck at home with the family for the last eight months has been tough, though at least in the summer there were plenty of opportunities for socialising in the open air. Winter is going to be very hard for a variety of reasons. But no matter how tough it can be stuck in the same four walls with the same three people, I have no doubt that being alone for all that time must be infinitely worse. Have you had Skype or Zoom meet ups with friends on a weekend? We've had some cracking virtual booze ups, with the bonus that the "pub" always has my favourite beers in stock (until it runs out).
I've told you before that I'm quite an unsociable person but I'm exactly the same. It's not even 11 and I'm sat here wondering how long till I go back to bed so that I can tick another day off the calendar
It's a lovely story (well, apart from the cracking your skull and other bits), glad you two got together, it was obvious to me that night that your "friend" was far from that! I'll be fine, it was just a bad day when I woke up, there's far more people worse off than me.
What a fine thing to say and offer, thank you. I'll be fine, I just woke up feeling fed up, but there are millions of people far worse off than me. I know what you mean by "get through this together". As Jay points out, we can't actually physically meet, but the comments I read on here usually cheer me up no end. We all have a common bond on here, the love of Barnsley FC, despite the bickerings and pointless political arguments, and it's a fun place to be at times. God only knows how we would all cope in this situation if there was no social media. It's not for everyone, but it certainly helps me in this dire situation. Best wishes to you and yours.
Sorry @JamDrop I appear to have inadvertently derailed your thread somewhat, thanks again for posting that hilarious video. Best wishes to you and Will and your family too, not forgetting your new arrivals of course!
No problem at all. We all get fed up at times, I know that better than most, but the offer is a genuine one.
It's hard ST I know, but may I suggest to go out a walk just to get some exercise. It really will help in so many ways, you will feel better just to get out of the house and do a quick walk. Try and build up to 10k steps a day which is about 1.5 hours. Your health will improve as well as keeping your mind active