One of my favourite actors. Passed away yesterday. One of a pretty much unknown favourite films of mine, is Freebie and the Bean. (A black comedy) In which he starred alongside James Caan. RIP sir.
RIP. Delivered a great performance in the film Crash starring Brendan Fraser and Don Cheadle. I also thought he was fantastic in Glengarry Glen Ross, also alongside a stellar cast.
Reight actor , tip top in coup de ville, Edward scissor hands, argo and whatever else he appeared in... RIP.......sithi.
He did a very funny version of clouseau. Escape from sobibor was excellent. He was funny in the cominski method with Michael Douglas, Netflix.
It was hard for Arkin's character to stand out to be honest, in Glengarry Glen Ross. Because all the other top stars were going off on one, and trying to out do each other, especially Pacino lol.