I'm looking forward to Mere opening in Cas as it's a Russian supermarket so will be different. Might be $hite but interested to see what they'd sell and supposed to be similar price to lidl/ aldi. Will have to ask admin to change my name to Moscow Calling as well
Me: Doctor doctor, I feel like a supermarket! Doctor: how long have you felt like this? Me: ever since I was Lidl… I’ll get my coit.
I won't got to a supermarket again on a Saturday. Last time I've been, it's been absolutely rammed. I try to go before or after work. Doesn't matter where you go though, that 50p off on that product is added to a different product and vice versa in the other shop, so it all comes to about the same (unless it's a local small one) so just go to them all if you have them near you.
Big name supermarkets. They're miles cheaper. Yes, your groceries cost less at Aldi and Lidl but then you spot that they've got nucleonic ferkinators on the middle aisle for £49.95. Irresistable at that price even though you've no idea what one is and suddenly you've spent £100 on a midweek mini shop!
Most of the shopping is from Aldi (closest and have most of what we need) Supplemented with Morrison’s (at least once a month) local farm shop online craft beers (for treats) occasional trip to Waitrose (less since were not working in Sheffield) Sainsbury’s M&S.
Aldi, cheaper & better quality products, especially meat. Although we get toddler stuff from anywhere, Tesco, Asda being the main two. Nappies etc.
Too true, although it was a welder I got, not a nucleonic ferkinator. And I can't weld to save mi life.
When I was working and cycle commuting, I got into the habit of calling at a supermarket on my way home so my shop was what would fit in my backpack and panniers. It annoyed the bejeebers out of me that many things were significantly cheaper if you buy 2. Clearly anti-cyclist....
I've been doing Thursday nights, but tbf most of Saturday is no busier than Friday lunchtime - there's definitely quiet time but I find there's not really the busy times we had pre-covid, I think more people have started shopping at different times now.