All that bleating on on about dodgy tories, having fake hissy fits in the commons and they are seemingly living up top the old saying of they are all as bad. If Labour don't clean up in Scotland at the next election they need to call it a day and pack up shop. Think my black labrador would be a shoe in to win a seat against some of these folk.
A Scots mate of mine sent me some stuff last week which if true is very damaging...he is in the Labour Party so may be engaging in some wishful thinking but it sounds possible. According to him the SNP have been dishing contracts out to family, friends and party donors rather like Boris and co. Apparently the publisher who handled Nicola Sturgeons book received a grant from the Scots Govt of £295k, on top of £200k they'd already had. They awarded a contract to a party donor for two ferries which have gone t**s up. Several members of the Executive resigned allegedly because the were denied access to the state of the finances by Peter Murrell. The party auditors resigned last September and no replacements have been found, unfortunately no one mentioned it to Humza Yousaf. On top of that my mate reckons there is another scandal brewing around an organisation called Progress Scotland...set up by a small group of senior SNP figures ( not Sturgeon though) to do polling research and also try and bring lukewarm voters into the fold. They set up a couple of years or so ago signing up thousands of people on a subscription of £3- £12 per appears nothing has come from PS for quite a while and subscribers are asking where the cash has gone.
Hopefully all the dodgy individuals are outed and punished accordingly leaving the true and honest SNP members to get on with the job of independence.
They are claiming it was bought to use as a mobile campaigning office but it’s been parked outside Nicola’s mother in laws in Dunfermline for two years
It's a dead duck independence or it should be for at least another 5 to 10 years. It was of course a once in a generation vote last time. All the in / out talk would do more damage than saying ok, give it that 5 to 10 yrs and then have another if the demand is still there. We saw with brexit the uncertainty makes the economic situation too turbulent not knowing if part of the the UK or not.
I totally disagree. IMO Scotland would thrive without Tory England holding us back. England govt know you will struggle without Scotland’s input. No other reason for blocking any moves by Scotland to leave.
unopposed power always ends up in corruption. 13 years of Tory rule and they are totally corrupt, similar timeframe for SNP, similar situation.
At the moment, nobody has been charged (I think), so it could all be smoke without fire. But, even if everybody is exonerated the smell of that smoke will linger around the party. Wasn't Salmond kicked out for some irregularities?
Someone arrested today. The man in charge of the money. Salmond was in court facing sex charges. Horrible man.
If I was Scottish I would want to get as far away from Westminster as possible. As a northern English bloke, who spends a lot of time in Scotland DJing & visiting friends up there I personally would be sad to end the union. TBH I'd like the North of England to revolt & leave London & the South to it. Won't happen, just like Scottish independence anytime soon. Further devolution & the possibility of something similar to the agreement with Northern Ireland re Europe & Ireland is probably the only thing that might happen if Labour win. I wouldn't put money on that TBH, but more likely. They might need to agree to that to get a working majority.
Just had another message...rumour is the SNP could be in deep trouble financially..under normal circumstances a party might expect a benefactor to step in with money to keep them afloat, the problem though may be these accounts, if they can't find auditors to sign them off pretty quickly it looks unlikely that a donor would wish to put cash in. If there is no cash and the party goes into liquidation it's likely to end in a General Election due to the way the Scottish Parliament is structured...the existing SNP MSP's who were elected for a constituency would keep their seats and become Independent or join another party, the difficulty comes with the Regional MSP's who are not individually elected, although the SNP only have a small number of those losing two in what would effectively be by elections would put the SNP/Green majority into a minority Govt and almost certainly a GE.