Deputy labour leader claimed £249 on expenses for a pair of personalised apple AirPods surely those can’t have been for wor purposes
They’re a perfectly allowable expense. TBH though, when I saw her name I expected a very valid complaint about her tweet on Saturday.
If she and her staff use Apple products, then she is within the IPSO rules to do so. I notice a lot of Politicians and journalists using them on TV. I don't use Apple products, so can't comment on their effectiveness.
My son has his permanently in his ears to talk to his friends so I don't see why not when she no doubt has loads of calls to make.
Here lies the problem... Labour MP legitimately claims for equipment needed to do her job at a time when nearly everything she can do is online called out for it while the government give billions away without any scrutiny but that seems OK. How have we found ourselves in a position as a Country where this is acceptable?
If they are claimable expenses then she has done no wrong. The guidelines are there to be used by all.
A Non story. MPs receive an annual salary of £79,468 and in addition can claim publicly-funded expenses“for expenditure for parliamentary purposes” which cover, in certain circumstances, housing, travel, food, iPads and telephone calls. Less than Wayne Rooney gets in a week. Proper food for thought.
Who would pay for stuff related to work (teachers excepted who I know do it regularly) no matter how much you earned?
Why should she spend her own money on something she needs to do her job? I bought my iPhone from Amazon on expenses. Should I have paid for that myself despite the fact that 75% of the time it's used for work?
I've not seen the detail, so if they are personalised, i.e. she had her name etched on them, then I'd maybe have the tiniest quibble that a tiny part for personalisation may not be allowable. If they are personalised to fit her ears, I've no issue for that at all, and £249 for something that is going to be used in her sphere of work, I've no issue with at all. When you consider MP's got a flat £10k allowance for working from home and could spend without evidencing, that, I have issue with. When you consider MP's have hugely subsidised alcoholic drinks (in normal times when state bars are open), that I have a problem with. When over £900k a year is spent on "maintenance" of the trees in Portculis House atrium, that I have issue with. And thats before we get into the crony contracts without scrutiny that are billions of pounds. If you get irritated at £249, you must be incandescent with rage at the crony contracts, and rightly so.
What the actual... Is this a sponsored outrage or have you thought it up all by yourself? Is it only Labour MPs who shouldn’t claim expenses or is it all of them? If it’s all of them, you could try addressing some previous posts about Tories doing the exact same thing.