Not too bad i guess considering Merkel has allowed 1 million refugees into the country. I'm sure the brexiteers expected young adolf and his gang to be in power as a consequence.
Well this is a wiki entry on em: Ideology and policiesEdit The AfD was founded as a centre-rightconservative party of the middle class with a tendency toward 'soft' Euroscepticism, being generally supportive of Germany's membership in the European Union but critical of further European integration, the existence of the euro currency, and the bailouts by the eurozone for countries such as Greece.[80][81][82] The party also advocated support for Swiss-style direct democracy, dissolution of the Eurozone, opposition to immigration, and opposed gay marriage.[83] By May 2015, the party became polarised into two factions, one centred around Lucke and his core economic policies and another group led by Petry, which favoured an anti-immigration approach. The result was that Lucke's fraction left to found a new party: the Alliance for Progress and Renewal,[84] later renamed the Liberal Conservative Reformers in November 2016. AfD also supports the privatization of social programs and state owned enterprises.[85][86] NationalismEdit The party was founded on opposition to Germany's financial support of other Eurozone states and the third main point of its initial platform called for Germany to cede no further elements of its sovereignty to the EU without approval via a referendum.[25] Over time, a focus on nationalism, on reclaiming Germany's sovereignty and national pride, especially in repudiation to Germany's culture of shame with regard to its Nazi past, became more central in AfD's ideology and a central plank in its populist appeals.[2][3][4] For example, Petry, who led the moderate wing of the party, said that Germany should reclaim the German word "Volk" from its Nazi connotations,[87] while Höcke, who is an example of the more right-wing views, regularly speaks of the "Fatherland" and "Volk", and has said that Germany should make a "180 degree" turn with regard to its sense of national pride.[2] The party also describes German national identity as under threat both from European integration and from the presence and accommodation of immigrants and refugees within Germany; its anti-immigration message is often articulated in this way, especially with regard to Islam.[3][4] Traditional familyEdit According to its interim electoral manifesto, the party is against same-sex marriage and favours civil unions. The party is also against adoption for same-sex couples.[88] The left-leaning newspaper Die Tageszeitungdescribed the group as advocating 'old gender roles'.[89] Wolfgang Gedeon, an elected AfD representative, has included feminism, along with “sexualism,” and “migrationism”, in an ideology he calls “green communism” that he opposes, and argues for family values as part of German identity.[90] As AfD has campaigned for traditional roles for women it has taken stances and aligned itself with groups opposed to modern feminism.[91] The youth wing of the party has used social media to campaign against aspects of modern feminism, with the support of party leadership.[92] EnvironmentEdit The party has a platform of climate change denial,[88][93] and therefore criticizes the energy transformation policies (Energiewende) that have promoted renewable energy. The party wants to restrict "uncontrolled expansion of wind energy", for instance.[88] ConscriptionEdit AfD naspd wants a reinstatement of conscription, starting for men at the age of 18.[94][88]