My mates friend aged 35 missing for 4 days found dead. Suicide by the looks. Played for Halifax, Staylybridge, Flyde, Bury etc including a handful of league games. Not that the football thing makes a difference but just the fact that another young man has decided that enough is enough. It's horrible to think that anyone makes that decision. Proper saddens me.
its a hard world to live in now 24/7 information overload, everyone interconnected, was not how it was meant to be ,there's no breathing space anymore, phone ping ping, update this and that,do not know the rhyme or reason for the lad you know doing it but hope he at peace now from whatever was too much to bear
I’m a 64 year old bloke this may too simplistic for some but just have a go turn all connectivity off for some time every day it helped my 40 year old son no end when he had problems I know about work commitments just try to make time
Sad news CS - we should all look at our friends/families and check for signs that they may be having issues.
Not sure if a mate of mine had died I'd want a song posted about his namesake though, regardless of the content. It tends to be your go-to form of jokes in most threads, too, hence my first comment. Just my thoughts thats all.
Me too. I'm only 43 and I know far too many people who've done this, including one close friend and a family member. Don't be fooled into thinking it's just a male issue, either. I've lost two young female friends to suicide, and know of another who I didn't know personally but my brother did. Absolutely tragic.
My sisters best friend committed suicide over a row with her Boyfriend. They had a "nothing row" that morning. He went to work. He thought she'd gone to college. She hadn't. They found her hanging over the landing. They'd just moved into a flat together, he was earning, she wasn't, tensions and loneliness took there toll. She was a lovely lass and you wouldn't have known what she was going to do that to talk to her. Laura's cousins girlfriend committed suicide the day we beat Sunderland in 2017. We went for a few drinks that morning in the bar she worked at. She was life and soul of the party. Went to the match and she was fine when she finished work. That night she hung herself. It later came out that she had been suffering abuse from her partner and it had come out that he was on the sex offenders register and had threatened such acts on her child. He'd also raped her. She was so scared and felt so trapped she took her life. Thing what surprised me with her was she had confided in people and voiced her concerns but it wasn't enough. Scary.
Heard some bloke on the radio during the Brexit thing. He said he was getting so wound up by social media he couldn’t sleep and was getting angry with everyone around him. His wife told him to get off it but he couldn’t, so she took his laptop and phone and locked them away. “Fantastic…never been happier", he laughed. And he hadn’t gone back. Social media. Circus of the Damned