Just heard about this on the radio. I wonder what action the club will take against those involved in the chanting.
Very worrying times, seems individuals like Boris, Trump et al are making it so everybody feels comfortable being racist. West Ham fans obviously been doing this for years but it's becoming widespread now. If you've got 5 mins look up Steve Bannon's recent activities. It's appalling and frightening, trying to unite facists and right wing racists is a worrying mission. Painting folk who believe in living peaceful lives as elite establishment figures is straight from the Nazi playbook. Wish folk would see beyond the propaganda and realise these people are false prophets. They are only out for themselves and will always look for groups to demonise maintain their influence.
Racism on the right, racism on the left, racism coming back into football (if it ever went away). It's a sad reflection on society.
I don’t think so. Boris and Trump are advocating controlled immigration - that’s not racism - it’s common sense. Both have married women from abroad. In Boris’s case an Anglo Indian. It’s your ‘sweep it under the carpet’ points of views that will ultimately fuel racism.
Preaching 'controlled' immigration by way of the lynch mob and xenophobia. You agree with that form of policy making? 1930s Germany springs to mind personally.
If any of the individuals in this video have been circumcised it would appear they must have thrown the most useful bit away.