If she’s chipped alert the company she’s chipped with that she’s stollen, they’ll then contact you if anyone scans her chip/calls to say they’ve found her. Just in case they let her loose and she gets picked up by the dog warden I’d give the local councils dog wardens a call and inform them she’s missing. Councils only pay for 7 days for a lost dog to stay in the kennels after that the kennels can sell her or have a vet end her life, usually they give them longer but you need to make sure the dog wardens are aware to stop that happening. If she’s insured you might be able to get some money to use as a reward or for advertising that she’s lost, I’d give them a call they might be able to help in other ways as well Local dog charities is another one to call in case she ends up there, also ask them on their social media’s to retweet your message, they have thousands of dog loving followers and most will retweet it again getting you maximum coverage. Change the message opening text to read “Please Help - Stolen Dog/Car” and then explain she was in the car, if you open with stollen car only most people won’t both reading beyond that and could miss that it’s about a post dog. Other than that good luck and I’ll keep an eye out
Update - dog found off princess street behind new street clinic . No sign of car but that can be replaced
Thank **** that must’ve been horrific for both the owner and the dog. The car can be replaced and hopefully the b******s will get caught and punished but it’s great news the dog is okay.