Been reading that the poor result at Wigan was due to defensive mistakes. That in itself is unusual. So could this be related to this weeks Sunderland speculation that has caused a bit of unease in the defence ???
I'd say they were more distracted by being safe, the end of the season and the beach than by any press speculation.
No, we just played poorly for most of the game, outnumbered in midfield, yet still managed to defend well enough and take two of our rare chances. At that point, we should have changed things, but scowen wasn't introduced until they had equalised. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
well I've heard, but I cant say off who ( nudge, nudge, wink, wink) that uthred, son of uthred an elderman of bannenburg in northumberland is going to make a buy out at sunderland and he looking for some pole dancing Vikings to do the halftime entertaining and he thought if he comes on the bbs and asks someone will know, or say they do, or as per make something up to fit their version of it.................. HTH
I'm still watching on catchup but the takeover is off or at least postponed because Uthred has been double-crossed and is on his way to being sold into slavery. This can't be the end though as there are more episodes to come
To my knowledge there's only been one from Sunderland this week FFS !!! Moyes lining up Roberts this summer for £5M. Surely you've seen it ??? What did you think I was talking about in the post - re: club should be encouraging Marc to move on this summer ??? Right time - right price.
Yesterdays Wigan got the tactics spot on for playing the ref. They were playing with the attitude that "if you tackle me I'm going down" knowing full well the ref was going to blow for a foul. They were very good at it around the box. When we were fouled we were trying to continue with advantage but the ref never allowed this and pulled the play back. Yes we lost to two goalkeeping howlers but the lads need to learn to play the refs weakness.
Ohh that tedious old chestnut again, I thought this was going to be something more interesting. Who do you want to see out of the door today then, under your tagline of 'right time, right price' ?
In other words - "can I find justification - no matter how tenuous for my theory that Roberts should be sold" Sent from the darkest recesses of a poisoned mind.