On twitter? So far I’m not blocked he must have pulled a muscle in his finger pressing the block button
Some of the things he's been called in his feed I am not surprised he's done some blocking.... https://twitter.com/search?q=@ObbiOulare&src=typed_query&f=live
We're trending. Have I missed summat or is it just an indication of how many people have tagged us in 5h1te team tweets?
Nah. Never reyt. I get he might be one of our top earners but and hasn't really played but we don't know the full facts to wy? Could be just frozen out and the circus in charge are saying injury. I'm just saying nobody knows the facts
he's been a waste of money but the abuse he is getting online isn't really warranted especially when those posting don't know the full story. We are all hurting with how badly this season is going but doesn't mean we need to take it out on players directly like that.
Small- minded dickheads the lot of them, Why would anyone respond to, or moreover, why would anybody hurl insults and abuse of this magnitude, is almost beyond belief. Hope you are all proud of yourselves.
I've just seen someone tweet this. 'Hi Obbi. Is it true that your blocking of certain Reds fans on here is the most work you've done since we signed you? Asking for 12,000 disenchanted supporters' If he's not fit then he's not fit. I'd be asking questions of the club rather than going in to keyboard warrior mode on Twitter against the player.
Possibly mate, but I'm a bit of a Twitterphobe. There's none of my other interests showing up (thank Christ )
Anyone who goes onto his site to personally abuse him is a cretin of the highest order. Unfortunately the world is littered with them.
Seems to be a lot of 'look at me' posts on that page, in some vain attempt at humour. Unfortunately they don't think of the person they are targeting. But then that's social media in a nutshell. Full of sad little keyboard warriors who want to draw cheap laughs and to hell with the consequences. And those same people will then moan about their own mental health (if it should ever dwindle), and will seek reassurance and reaffirmation, quickly forgetting the ones they have abused in the past and caused harm to. Kindness is a word from a bygone era.
I think most people who avoid being absolute morons and don't feel the need to bully a young lad on twitter won't be blocked. Why anyone thinks it's acceptable to write such things is beyond me.
Thoroughly baffles me why a person would follow someone on Twitter, then abuse them. Some proper weirdos out there.
It has been mentioned in a post on the Conway Out FB page, and someone has replied ‘don’t believe everything you read on the BBS’
I’m one of the disenchanted fans but he certainly doesn’t speak for me and I would imagine the vast majority . Maybe he should have wrote the under 12 disenchanted fans but even then I’d imagine most of them would cringe .