After today I am, a bit. After that third goal went in I just thought "Oh well, it's to be expected". It was only a matter of time before they scored again. This league is getting more and more like a Premier League 2 and, quite frankly, we're not up to it. Not yet anyway. Neither financially nor player-strength wise. Yet again we've seen our "young lads" bullied off the park by players like Martin and Huddlestone who have got more experience than the whole of our squad put together. It's sad to watch it and the prospect of improvement is a long way into the distance.
its not that long ago we were bottom of league 1 ,hardly the comfort zone .I'd rather struggle in the Championship year on year just avoiding relegation than going down again.
Last time we got relegated I thought it was the best thing for us to regroup, reenergise and move forwards. Got plenty of stick for it as well. Now I think it would be an absolute disaster. Due to Patrick’s unfortunate illness we need to be a saleable commodity. Staying in the Championship helps that however painful it is. Today didn’t matter in the bigger scheme of things it was always going to be hard given that we struggled to overcome Derby’s reserve team a couple of months ago. Losing to Bolton last week was far more painful and disastrous.
Not yet. We've been struggling for almost a calendar year, but that's nowt compared to the majority of our previous tenure at this level since 2006.
Agreed. Both times we've been in league one, we've struggled initially. Can remember rankin scoring to secure safety one season. Couple of seasons ago we were playing Oldham around this time of year in a "must win game"
No, not at all. I'd take the championship over league one any day. I still believe we can survive this season but January is going to be a season defining month (again).
" Anyone nostalgic for the comfort zone of League One ? " To be honest, NO Im not and I think if we go down this season it will pee everything we've achieved in the last few seasons against the wall. And Ive got to ask what makes us think Lg One would be such a comfort zone. Remember its not so long ago that we were losing every week in Lg One and we were bottom of the table in Nov/Dec. Going down with fight and effort is one thing, but going down pathetically because the 'plan' has backfired (as we are at the moment), well thats hard to take.