3 men ask hotel manager how much for the night? £30=£10 for each guest The men paid and the bell boy took there luggage and showed them to there room. The manager then thinks he's over charged them and asks the bell boy to return them £5. The bell boy thinks they never gave me a tip so takes £2 and returns the men £3=£1each. It's now cost the men £9each=3×9=£27 The porter took £2as his tip = £29 Where did the other pound go? It wa on highway to heaven this morning,baffling for me but there may be a clever fellow red who can answer it.
They paid £27 each, £25 is in the till and £2 in the porter's pocket. The trick is that the £2 is part of the £27 paid and not additional to it.
It hasn't cost the men £27 each, they've also given the bell boy a 66.6666666666.... pence tip. The cost of the room was £8.33 each.
Because they actually paid £8.33 each for the room. (£30 - £5 ÷ 3 = £8.33 and 67p each for the tip (£2 ÷ 3 = 67p). All added up, that comes to £30.
It's quite rare that three men would be allowed to bunk up together. Me and my mate had to top and tail at Stage Door in Blackpool. (Garry from Macey's R.I.P thought it would be a laugh to put us in the same room.)
Garry, best and worst trip organiser in the history of BFC Some of the memories from the Dove and then Maceys trips were brilliant.