The Nazi salute fella. Worth working on, re-educating, or lost cause? I genuinely believe it’s more healthy to sit somebody down & educate, rather than push them to more dangerous fringes? I’m happy to sit him down. Discuss at your leisure.
Definitely worth educating. Even a lost cause is worth working on because even if you can't change their attitude or bigotry you can at least attempt to change their behaviour
He looked like he already had a dangerous fringe! In all seriousness, I deliver diversity and inclusion training at work, and I do know that there are people in the classroom that are just playing the game and attending for the ‘tick in the box’, but I always maintain that if the training makes those sceptics think about a small percentage of their actions then I have succeeded. Education is important, as is also giving racists or bigots a sensible, fact based counter argument to their opinions: debate is good if people are accepting of others opinions and views, sadly some people are not, but I am optimistic that most are.
Hard to say based on just the filmed action and not knowing the bloke. Some of them are able to be rehabilitated, some are absolute lost causes not even worth the effort. When my in-laws got married in the early 90s (white woman, black man), my mother-in-law's own mother disowned her and refused to speak to her because of 'race mixing'. Fast forward a year or so, and she'd eventually met the bloke, and suddenly sun shone out of his árse and the racism was (at least on the surface) completely gone.
I love the phase if people are accepting of others opinions and views, unfortunately a lot of people aren't, especially on here in the hope of being the better fan.
Personally, I'd give him the choice of either a full season ban, or a shorter ban in return for undertaking some kind of education or training and maybe some community work with the immigrant community. It was a reprehensible act, but it could be from a place of ignorance rather than nastiness.
There should be an attempt to educate him. That way he would hopefully be less likely to act a prat in the future.
He looks of an age to have known better , maybe a visit to Coventry Cathedral and a lesson in what the Luftwaffe did to the city might educate him
Or the imperial war museum. The Holocaust exhibition inside it. Education is the way. But obviously an arsehole who revels in it. Infamy. Imo ie. Whilst ever people stand around and don’t challenge , even in some cases laugh. Pricks like him love an audience. No matter how small the number, who appear to approve. Same with booing taking the knee. Isolation is the key. In these instances. I liken it to bullies. In a lot of instances end up as recluses and Billy no mates, If I had my way. And I may be a minority in this. An obvious Nazi salute would be a criminal offence. Cos that’s what it is. An offence to those that serve/served this country. And any right minded thinking person. In Germany and Austria it is an offence and you can be jailed.
Not sure how you get to his age without learning it's not a good idea to throw Nazi salutes in public. Any "education" is just letting him know what a stupid ***** he is, and a three year ban will do the same, and also act as a deterrent to others.
How many times do you repeat when arsehole numbnuts won’t take it in. ( should be on the school curriculum no more no less ) Make it a criminal offence. Then they may. Make them pay. Not the system.
He needs banning for life, embarrassment to our town. I dont want him walking anywhere near my family. He has been given too much publicity i hope he gets a good kicking. People need to be accountable for thier actions, you can not do or say whatever you want to cause damage or offence without consequence. Education on all subjects is readily available if you wish to look. All the above stands unless he has learning disabilities then he needs support and guidance.
Whilst I am on the spectrum and find it quite difficult to empathise with people who I have never met, it is still clear , even to me, that without educating (not indoctrinating) kids from an early age is key to eradicating all forms of discrimination. Gender, race colour and religion. I strongly believe all these are passed down from generation to generation, i.e. family and environment. I have yet to read that a 'discrimination' gene has been discovered. 3 and 4 year old Catholic and Protestant, Nationalist and loyalists in Belfast would happily play together until 're-educated' by bigoted older kids and family members who in turn have been 'taught' that it is wrong to do so. Regarding the Holocaust, one of the most intense and sobering experiences I had was watching 'Schindler's list' in a full cinema. This is far more impactful than sitting at home either alone or with a couple of others as you could sense the discomfort of so many people sharing the same feelings. It is the only time I have left an auditorium in a large crowd where it was absolutely silent. IMHO it should be compulsory viewing in the school curriculum with follow up projects to make kids really think about what they have witnessed. Of course how you solve the wider issues in less developed countries, such as Afghanistan and eradicate centuries of indoctrination and discrimination is elusive. Sadly it takes more than 'Education' to change the minds and actions of young men brutalised by decades of war, nor Religion that has not progressed or evolved in hundreds of years or rather has been manipulated and imposed by those seeking power and control over a largely uneducated population and who eliminate those more enlightened and educated who represent any threat to their power base.
Schools do cover the holocaust, both primary and secondary. No one in this country can claim to be ignorant as the older generation would most likely have parents who fought in the war Having said that, I think any education that can get over how tiring constantly being the target of "just banter" is and how it makes other people feel can only be a good thing.
I dont know the details in this case but I was told some young lads who were banned by the club due to racist abuse on social media got the option to return if they successfully went through some sort of education programme. I dont know if they took up the offer or not.
If they're racist and they're caught and offered education. All it does is push the racists underground and makes them find ways to supress their values. They're still racists. Until there is proper punishment and it's a criminal offence. These things will still occur sporadically.