But, there's a Government Petition to rejoin the EU that I only found out about the other day. Unfortunately it only has a few days left out of the 6 months but please consider signing it. https://petition.parliament.uk/peti...NErs2YB90gFeJ-rr3ZasD6Fvfx6GZhDBtEvbObauwWBzk
interesting. their strap line is that only 17% of the population think Brexit has gone very or fairly well. yet only 0.03% of the population have signed their petition in 6 months. p.s. I'm ardent anti-brexit
This is a site for Barnsley FC fans (and visiting fans from others clubs) to discuss anything they want to. ANYTHING. It isn't, has never been and, hopefully, will never be a football only site. For me, this is the site's strength.
I suspect it hasn't been advertised enough, I only heard about it the day before yesterday and I'm quite up with Government Petitions having started a couple myself. It really needs pushing on facecrap and twatter (or any other social media). If it reaches 100,000 before the 1st of December it has to be considered for debate in Parliament and it is going up quite fast.
Tbh if it was just football I'd get bored. There can be fall outs on here. But on the whole. A topic is discussed and we move on. I rarely if ever remember who've I've had disagreements with. Which bodes well for me as I don't hold grudges so to speak. Which some others appear to do. Hate that missen. What's the point. The humour on this site with known other posters creases me up on occasion. I rarely visit other sources of chat. My mrs tells me owt of note.
Just ignore them. Like JLWB says the bbs is for anyone to post about anything. I just skip over anything that doesn’t interest me.
Indeed, if it was Purley football talk I know i wouldn't waste as much time on here. All those years ago when we dropped threaded I thought it would ruin the charm but if anything I think it supports the multiple topics even more.
Problem is regardless whether or not you are pro or anti Brexit there is no going back for the forseeable future In the first instance the EU would not accept any application until the UK proves stability with any vote indicating that the UK population wishes to rejoin. Even if the proportion in any referendum exceeded 70% in favour (which might be possible but not certain) they would still want a period of years as they do not want to see further down the road a repeat of the UK leaving. 70-75 % was bandied about by the EU as the sort of majority they would seek before they would even consider any application by the UK to rejoin. Secondly, (and it could have an impact on the aforementioned 70-75%) they have ruled that any new members will have to adopt the Euro. The option to retain the pound is no longer on the table. Many of the rebates would no longer be available . Almost certainly, as 'new members' we would not be allowed to opt out of Schengen. All countries including France, Germany and Italy would have to approve the application. (Good luck getting all of them on board). In the interim period processes, systems laws may have diverged requiring considerable time to converge. Regardless of how people feel, either way , the ship has sailed. Rejoining is, I am afraid, a pipe dream.
You're probably right, however, no reason not to let the government and opposition parties know what the public feel. Particularly since the Labour party don't look like they will talk about even rejoining the single market so it won't even be an issue for the next General Election. The sooner there is a grass roots movement in the UK, the sooner the EU will look favourably on us and the sooner the insanity of the last 6 years can be put behind us.
I think I'm with you on pretty well all of that. Offhand I can only think of one I've really fallen out with, that being Casual Tyke and his deluded posts about his idol Donald Trump...
Trouble is with me. I can't remember who says what lol. (Not joking btw) I have got to know some. Eg. How can anyone not remember how Stephen and Supertykes. responses will be are or anticipated to be. .
It's a politics thread and given the dearth of feeling on the subject. I think it's better I don't stir the pot anymore than I have in the past. It's an emotive subject so no quips or innuendo's from me tonight mate.