or when they are putting all the fancy narrow squiggles etc on, do they not think that at some stage if they are unlucky, the wearer might just stand in a lump of dog sh.it!!
My mum once knocked me into a dog turd in my new Clarkes school shoes. We were walking through a ginnel and I was walking side by side holding her hand. I swerved in front of her to avoid it and she thought I was messing about so she yanked my hand pulled me back through said dog turd. Then blamed me.
Swerved in front of her to avoid it, but by doing so nearly made your mam step in it. YOU WERE TO BLAME. "nice one Mrs Dawson serves him right."
If irresponsible owners can't be bothered to pick it up, they could at least bring back the dry powdery white stuff!!
I remember finding a white dog turd when I was a nipper. I thought it was a stick of chalk and used it to doodle on the pavement.
The more obscure sole patterns the better for kicking and stamping assaults/homicides detection given tread pattern bruising analysis.
Sure that’s right! Their customers/footwear do account for a large proportion of kickings and stampings though and are very well represented on the database.
they generally go with the assumption that those buying their shoes aren't stupid enough to stand in said dog **** in the first place...