Laura's Uncle Steve keeps hunting dogs. However, they're domesticated. About a month ago we dog sat whilst he went to Turkey. George was playing in the garden whilst Laura was hanging washing out. George lost his footing and fell on the dog. The dog mauled George's wellies luckily nothing came of it. We'd been invited to there's last night for a few drinks and takeaway. George went upstairs for a wee with Laura. He's come downstairs proud as punch and fell on the dog again. It's mauled him. Lisa, Steve's missus pulled the dog off him. George was shaken. Both instances could be put down to unfortunate coincidences. However, they're going to Turkey in March and want us to have said dog again. I'm not happy because I work by once bitten twice shy. There's so many things can happen to you and me nevermind a little one. I'd hate for owt to happen we'd had prior warning over. That's negligence. Laura loves her uncle Steve and in spite of what's recently transpired still wants to dog sit. I've said I don't want it to happen and stated my reasons. Just want to canvass some opinion before I go out of character and tell her uncle we're not having the dog in March and fall out with Laura.
The vast majority of dogs are hunting dogs to some extent, be it a poodle or a german shepherd. My cousin dog sits & lives on Dodworth Road. If you are looking for an out she could be it. PM me if so & I'll put you in touch.
All good mate. My cousin Kate has her own pad, Can't guarantee she is available without speaking, but she is really good.
Don’t look after the dog until George is old enough to understand how to be around it (in text that sounds like I’m blaming George, I’m obviously not, he’s just a little kid being a little kid but that dog clearly can’t cope with little kids so they should be kept apart until George is bigger). Edit: there’s no reason to ‘fall out with Laura’ though, just sit down and have an honest discussion about your concerns.
Tough one mate. Personally, I'd agree to look after the dog at Steve's house with Laura and George staying at home. I'd stay there and would never take the dog home to yours.
I wouldn't risk it with my son either to be honest. I think you have valid reasons and it will be fine once George is a bit older like Jamdrop has said.
Tbh, I think this is easy. George cones first above all else. If anything is a danger to him which this dog clearly is, then the answer has to be 'no'. Any reasonable pdrson would understand you're just looking out for George.
I'm a dog man had as many as 5, at once, i've never in all my life had a nasty, or should i rephase that, dog that ever bit a human, i'm a believer the dog is as nasty as its owner, in my opinion the said dog was basically telling George to keep out of his space, imagine aving a nice quiet life an then, George is on the scene running abart like a man possessed, the dog just want's its space, tell George the said dog is'nt his friend and likes to be left alone, he'll understand. I've only got Patch left nar 13yrs old he'll be my last, and i've got Granbairns ere all the time, when the kids are running abart and doing what kids do, Patch always gets art of the way, but on aneight when were all settled aving movie night Patch will sit with kids on settee for cuddles. This is me an my imput, i hope its helped.
I've never had kids but had a dog (a Welsh Springer) at the time that all our friends were producing rugrats. The dog had the most wonderful temperament but the kids used to plague him to death as kids do. One even went under the table where he'd retreated for peace and quiet and prodded him with a fork! He never, ever snapped but we were lucky and there's no knowing for certain that any dog won't lose it's rag at some point. During my time as a postie I was bitten three times. All by small dogs. One bit me at the exact moment it's owner was telling me not to worry as it would never bite. Another time I had an alsatian snarling and barking at the other side of a four foot wall while it's owner with patronisingly told me I should bring the mail to the door as she would NEVER let the dog bite me. Yeah right! The bottom line for me is that, however well balanced and trained your dog is, no matter how good the temperament you can never 100% trust them so I wouldn't take the risk, especially with kids they don't know.
I wouldn’t let my child near the dog again. Uncle Steve needs to know why. He needs to find an alternative. It’s also important that your son doesn’t start to fear dogs and knows how to behave around them. As it happens my sister has asked if we will stay over and look after their dogs. The problem is one of the dogs growls at an is unsettled around some men. He’s fine with all women. Usually my husband would do the dog sitting no problem, but we’re not taking any chances - so we are both going.
Your instincts are bang on, no way I'd have the dog. If it had only happened once I'd be very wary and probably not take it but twice? Absolutely not. At the end of the day it's just a dog and he's your son. There's clearly a risk involved so why take it?
I'm surprised Laura wants the dog anywhere near George after the previous events. Tell Uncle Steve to make other arrangements. If he's a decent bloke, he'll understand. Whatever happens, don't let Laura or yourself be cajoled into taking the dog in unless you're 100% happy about it (which clearly you're not).