Anybody recommended in the Barnsley area that fits artificial grass? Looking to get ours sorted once we’re out of lockdown.
I used a Sheffield Based firm called Hall Seasons. Unfortunately the fella in charge is a Blade. They worked their b*llocks off though and were considerably cheaper than most people as they were a new start-up when I used them which was Jan 2019. I'd definately recommend them to anyone.
I wouldn't try and persuade anyone who didn't want to change it. We have a neighbours tree that leaves part of the Garden in perpetual shade and I was replanting large parts of the lawn every year because of it. Turned into a quagmire in the winter and was generally just a pain in the arse. The plastic stuff is pretty comfy and is great for drainage - you can go out on it half hour after rain and no problem. I get it's not for everyone but honestly was one of the best investments I made from the point of view of 'enjoying' my garden.
I fully understand and respect your reasoning but I can't help feeling sorry for the countless other residents of that space that are now homeless.
You are right, and I was torn about that initially - but it's been great in terms of the kids playing there etc, etc so I'll confess to being a tad selfish on that front and putting my own enjoyment over and above the environmental concerns. Not proud of it, but in the context of this thread, I would have to say to anyone that it has been great as a means of enjoying the outside even though it is artificial. If I'd not had the issues with re-seeding regularly etc I would have never had it in the first, but I'm a convert.
No worse than paving it or similar - not for me but I can understand why people do it especially in areas that grass struggles in
Other than the environmental issues are there any drawbacks of artificial grass? How long till it looks tatty and needs replacing?
Got mine done last year and best decision I ever made Especially if you have children . I will send you contact of who did mine There is a joint in the middle of the steps going across middle of garden but you can’t even see it . Some joints are shocking and look terrible This is mine
I’d keep it if it wasn’t for the dog ruining it. We’re having some work done in the garden and will need a new lawn, so I’m faced with the choice between artificial grass, or getting some new turf laid down and it potentially being a mess again in a few months time.
Hmmm nice idea, might put it either end of lawn so kids can play table tennis without flattening the grass. It's like bell metal where they play.
Cleaning up after dog shitees is no walk in the park, much easier on real grass. If you have a dog don’t do it.