‘Animal Societies’ by Ashley Ward Our first recommendation is not actually a book, but rather an Audible listen. It can also be bought as an audio CD. In ‘Animal Societies’, biologist Ashley Ward takes us on an enormously wide ranging exploration of social animals from ocean invertebrates to insects, birds and mammals. He eloquently and powerfully makes the case that animals are not as far removed from us as we might imagine. In a time where humans are struggling to navigate cityscapes, isolation and a loneliness epidemic, Ward shows us that studying the social behaviour of animals offers insights that are valuable in their own right, and provide a window into the evolutionary basis of our own species. The scale of this collaborative connectivity amongst so many of the animals that share the planet with us will surprise and delight. It will also provide you with lots of fascinating facts and evidence based information on how human characteristics such as altruism, empathy, leadership and language can be witnessed among animal groups. It’s also narrated beautifully with great humour and in an easily accessible style. We loved Animal Societies and cannot recommend it highly enough. 5 star rating!
Hasn't he made his money from property sales and development? His wife on one of those reality programmes.