As our economy falters after Brexit, the anount we spend on defence will constitute an increased percentage of our GDP! That should keep our 'special relationship' friend happy, to say nothing of the General Sir Bufton Tuftons of the military!
Unnecessary thread. There's a related thread on the front page that you could have posted this 'joke' in. There's going to be another shouting match now in here that will achieve nothing. And before you start, I voted remain, so I'm not just saying this because you oppose my views.
Whoever signs the law which throws thousands of people out of work will be judged by history and hopefully be the electorate.
And they might also end up facing prosecution for Misconduct in a Public Office if they make any personal profit out of it.
50 years of being under the EU umbrella....that people were conned into in the first place... is enough, just look around you, what a **** tip..
The trouble with that is , although the Cons aren’t pulling any trees up , there is literally No credible alternative, although you could ask Trumpy to Dep for a while , that would work , eh me owd cocka spadge