It was on nearly all through lockdown and has been back on in the last couple of weeks. The most annoying advert ever, it definitely wouldn't prompt me to buy the product
It would me, I mean it's got to be better than ***** screen ***** camera short lasting battery life, no?
The problem is that whenever it's on I'm so focused on the loud and intrusive jingle that even though I've heard it probably a thousand times I've absolutely no idea which phone it's for.
Seen another belter tonight ... some insurance company advert at the end of which they say what their price is followed by "you save more than you spend". The power of advertising to dim people !!
One of the best I've seen recently is one of the many charity ads that litter the ITV3 daytime schedules. This one is for an endangered species... "This beautiful creature is a pangolin. You may not have heard of him, but..." Really? Is there anybody on the bloody planet who hasn't heard of a bloody pangolin?
that tooth paste ad with the over charged bitch.... "BUMS!!!.... HIPS!!!! ..... THIGHS !!!!!" I think there is a competition over lock down as to which lot can do the most annoying ad..... Them sickly sugary kids singing "nothings gonna stop me now" ..... anyone know where I could get a Kalashnikov.
and the life insurance ad's when they say " I spend more than that on a coffee" WELL STOP GOING TO STARBUCKS YOU EFFING IDIOTS