Just finished watching it. Had no idea what it was about, was just told I should watch it. Very very good. Really tough to watch in parts.
Piers Morgan's interviewing the real life Martha on his YouTube channel tonight @20:00. should be interesting
Watched it last week and i enjoyed it but like you say it’s a tough watch in some parts and i had to fast forward some bits but yeah what a bizarre true story.
I think the internet outed her pretty quickly. Not much was changed in terms of detail so it was pretty straightforward for those with nothing better to do.
Half a million views in an hour. It will have a few million by tomorrow night when the rest of the world have found time to watch it. Talk TV have done the right thing moving online. Linear TV is dead.
Just watched it, I maybe wrong ( obviously) but didn't believe a word that came out of her mouth, at the same time the series as probably been spun to get people watching it
There were parts she contradicted herself but there must be parts made up on the Netflix drama I.e the prison sentence…could that really be lied about?..which makes me think his story could be exaggerated in some parts
Talk TV still has far far fewer viewers than linear TV even relying on unethical stunts such as this.
It was certainly well acted and it held my attention over most of the episodes so I guess it deserves an 8/10.
The actress playing Martha was excellent, I've only seen her in comedies before but she can do proper acting too.