Did it happen at all turnstiles? Were people there with bags and had them confiscated? Just wondered because I've not seen anything mentioned about this latest "let's make our customers as annoyed as possible scheme", to follow the many other recent ones. I'm a long distance traveller and ALWAYS bring a bag with my stuff in it. I won't be there for a while yet but when I do I suppose I have to stuff my pockets with everything. That will be fun jammed into a narrow seat with someone either side of me.
Had a nice red tag given me to put in my handbag with instructions to keep it on all match. Didn't really look in my bag though but it was small with not much in it.
Did they do another bag search at half time to find a ball that the Barnsley players could play with in the second half?
There must have been some really big bags in the ground. Where else would most of our players find to hide because some of them spent the whole match hidden from view.
Quick and easy no issue, in this day and age I guess vigilance is necessary. I have no issue with it to be fair.
That's about what I would expect. I mean, what are they going to do? Take your bag off you and tell you where to pick it up later? Not practical is it. The ground does not have a luggage storage facility (as far as I know) so I fail to see how they have the power to confiscate personal property (except from the morons bringing pyrotechnics in, of course).
Why is it pointless ? if it puts off one herbert from bringing in a flare then it is worth it, we have already had 2 incidents this season in which one resulted in a child being hit by a flare at the Hull City end, could have been a serious injury & to be honest it is little or no inconvenience , don"t see a problem .
I don't think they do have the power to confiscate but they do have the power to deny entry unless you voluntarily leave your property
Wife had her handbag searched and put her in a bad mood. She only had basic things phone, glasses and purse etc but he shoved his hand in and swirled it about like a lucky dip. How was that COVID safe? All the contents could have been contaminated.
Voluntarily leave it where exactly? Are we going to see a pile of rucksacks and large ladies handbags lying against the wall until after kick off and then they’re scooped up and dropped in the nearest skip? It’s not practical and if they try that there will be serious disturbances outside the ground followed by a severe reduction in attendances in the following weeks
I get the feeling the idea will be dropped in a few weeks, but that has more to do with the government than the club. Where did we suddenly get all the extra stewards from to do said searches?
The steward who carried out the search said it was being introduced because of the increased terrorist threat - rather to ';stop some Herbert bringing in a flare' - so I took him at his word. Just step back and think about that action. I've assumed the increased terrorist threat is because of the potential for Islamist violence (hence the Govt increasing the threat level). So, we're introducing this measure because an Islamist terrorist might think that the way to publicize their 'cause' would be to sneak a bomb into Oakwell Football Ground in Barnsley in a suitcase or a Rucksack. They would have to conclude that would have to be a better option than walking into a shopping centre/ cinema/theatre/ train station/ bus station or any another number of public venues that are always accessible in a open democracy. And to conclude that Barnsley was a better target for publicity than anywhere else in the Country. Part of my business is Risk Assessment and that kind of judgement plays a role in these decisions. That has to be the case because delivering zero risk is impossible. It's my view that whoever carried out that risk assessment and came up with that conclusion has not done their job properly. The only explanation I could come up with to justify this action was the 'metal scanner at the Airport argument'. That being - these scanners don't actually detect metal or stop guns/knives being smuggled onto planes - but many people think they do and that makes them feel safer. I still think that argument (in this case) is very weak though.
Yes I know, but they need a table to put things on. Did they have tables like they do outside Headingley? These people have NO RIGHT to touch our personal possessions so if they are all doing this rooting around the bag stuff (as above) then they need sacking!