Very clever- look like you tried having clearly accepted the offer and given them the opportunity to talk to him in the first place. Next.
Hasn't the offer been on the table a while? Just need to get as much as possible for him now. Its out of our hands, not worth worrying about.
If we offered him good money, and he still goes, what can you do? Brentford’s a strange move though - slightly sideways almost standard wise. Maybe it’s a move down south he wanted.
It’s amazing another one who wants to move back down south question is why move up here in the first place
I thought the new owners weren’t going to be pushovers £3 mill for pinnock is a disgrace it should be double that at least would mcanthony at Peterborough accept a derisory offer like that
It would seem to me that we've done all we can withing our payscale and maybe slightly beyond to keep him. There's clearly been negotiations going on for weeks so it's not a last minute save face offer. It comes down to this... We can force him to stay, lose a transfer fee and reduce the likelihood of further young talent being attracted to us or... We take the money and back our ability in the market to replace him effectively. I didn't want to lose Pinnock and the fee looks light to me. But anyone who wasn't expecting that he would probably go this summer isn't living in the real world. Let's hope the recruitment team know what they're doing.
I'd love to know how Sky sports knows how much the fee is .only way it would be that low is if it was built in to his contract and then there is nothing the club can do except stick a 40% sell on clause
That’s ok but we’ve lost 4 of our back 5 from last season we’ve now got a completely new back 5 that we have to hope gel to avoid getting spanked week in week out Who’s next Moore or Woodrow if any of them go then we are going to be in trouble
Which ever way you dress it up him and Lindsay have used us to get more money and no intention of staying
You make a very good point here - the reason we attract talent like Pinnock in the first place is that they develop - and move on for big money. I bet most players only rent houses here - they want to get the profile - get the experience - and get back to mums home cooking. Our clubs ability to develop players for the next salary is as attractive if not more than the salary we pay (and no doubt their agents) and no doubt the club gets advantage #teamslikebarnsley wouldn't normally get. Is it better to have had Hourihane, Pinnock, Potts, Mawson, Winnall,the list goes on and lost them - or that we don't attract these players. One things clear to me - the time when other clubs don't want our players is the time to worry. At some point we have to put our own foot on the ball and hold onto players for a promotion push - but thats in January not the summer - as we should have done when Hourihane et al left. I've thoroughly enjoyed watching Barnsley for 5 of the last 7 seasons when it seems this strategy has been deployed. I can honestly say that of the previous 7 to those - 5 out 7 I should have stayed in the pub..
Always going to be a problem when you can't offer big wages as you're trying to keep the club within its means and inside financial fair play. Only way is more success, commercial sponsorship and bums on seats. Not easy. Additionally we've become a victim of our own success in spotting very good players. Players come knowing the clubs reputation and no doubt see us as an excellent stepping stone. That's good, but problematic. Then again years ago I remember people complaining we didn't find and sell players for good money. Now we have a different, but better kind of problem...
Make no mistake: we already are. If you think we’re not going to get absolutely hammered repeatedly as an entirely new and inexperienced defence and keeper learns it’s trade in the championship you’re in for a shock.
How come the likes of burton Luton etc clubs with smaller attendances can afford more wages than us sometimes you have to push the boat out I don’t mean like Bolton and Birmingham
Can they afford more wages than us? I've not personally seen any verifiable figures to show that is the case. On crowds of 9k and historically less, I'd doubt it.