Following on from the thread about the 30 year anniversary of the BBS, I thought it worth creating a new thread since it was the 17th year anniversary of the incarnation of the BBS on 12th of July. This was created after the previous BBS imploded. As mentioned in the other thread the original BBS was part of the official site back when the official site looked something like this: Some familiar names on there even back in the year 2000 At some point I think around 2002, it was split off from the official site and became a standalone site on and it looked something like this: Again some familiar names on there The first incarnation of this site looked like this and then this (2014is I think) I'm sure there are others that can fill in the gaps. Seem to think Radders created the initial one and he owned the domain as well but agreed to give it to the club.
Love the warning about being easily offended. None of the posts in 2000 work but I’m keen to see what orders Tuffers was dishing out and who’s IP address they were on about sharing!
Who remembers when Bruce Dyer "left the medical world baffled" Think @YTBFC could learn a few things from this archive
Highlights from the second link to October 2000. Familiar story to now in places….. - @YTBFC begging for people to join the chat - Me vs. EI Addio and Air Tyke - Someone encouraging everyone to ignore a poster called ‘sh*t for brains’, pre cursored by ‘Isn’t it time the tw@t got banned’ - Bassett Out - Dennis Out - No match day threads - Dragon Tyke still starting threads about subjects covered in multiple threads - Get McCarthy In - There was a FanZone. Or a joke about a lack of a FanZone - Where’s all the money gone? - Chez with her match reports - Whitey with his alcohol consumption updates
You're talking about wanting to smack your teacher in the Dec 2000 archive You're going to get cancelled
In the Nov 2020 I seem to mention that "I'll be working" which is odd because I don't remember having a job back then
Paulo Tykeio. He was a great lad and excellent poster. Would have been a welcomed calmness when it was all going to pot last season.
I found myself in one of the old ones, under a different name. Tattershall Tyke .... whatever became of Paul ???
Someone encouraging everyone to ignore a poster called ‘sh*t for brains’, pre cursored by ‘Isn’t it time the tw@t got banned’ I didn't think Hemsy was posting so long ago.
The first design still the best... knows how much of my life I've spent on all those sites. Been posting since I was 13.
That's great ! Glad he's ok. Went with him to the Cardiff final against Swansea, he had a very fast green sporty type car, and by the time we got away from his house in Worsborough we were already doing about 80 up the hill to Birdwell. Once on the M1 I spent most of the journey with clamped buttocks as we never seemed to go less than 100 mph. I've never done such sustained high speeds as on that day ! He and I were together in Lincoln at a pub and Chinese restaurant the day of the twin towers attack in NY. Please remember me to him.
Some familiar names. some unfamiliar ones, some long-forgotten ones and a number I know are still here under other names. Thanks for dragging up the day on the .net site that I posted a scan of "The Flyer", causing a libel law meltdown!! It was a short text flyer distributed in the ground one day, suggesting Peter Doyle's interest in the club was not altogether well-intentioned. Nothing to do with me I might add - I just posted a scan because loads who hadn't received one were asking what it said. You're right - the original original was not part of the official site and the domain name had been registered by the founding fathers of the BBS, before the club even had an official website. I seem to recall the founders were extremely well-to-do people in IT and them being invited to the club for a "discussion" about ownership of the domain, where a lawyer had been brought in to threaten them. They tied him in knots and took him to the cleaners as there was no case in law to answer and they actually knew what they were talking about! They generously decided, however, that as supporters of the club, voluntarily submitting the domain to the club was the best way forward for all parties and the BBS became part of the official site. I seem to recall there was an outcry at having to register an account, linking your posts to your personal details held by the club, hence the split-off forum coming into being. As for how we got from there to here....let's park that one! Anyway, it was all a long time ago now so sorry if any of my recollections are false memories but that's my recollection of the timeline.
The club was represented by Michael Spinks. We had the individual who negotiated the contracts for Batch II Trafalgar class boats and the Ship Lift at Faslane for the MOD