In my yoof I'd never heard of him but went to the flicks to see The Adventures of Barry of the funniest films I've very watched RIP Barry
Another one gone - RIP possum. Saw the short clip recently of him/her joining Charles and Camilla in the Royal Box somewhere, as Dame Edna, and then someone coming in to whisper in his ear. He then announced he was going because they had found him a better seat. Comic genius. Not to everyone's taste and deliciously un-PC. The old world slowly disappears....
Saw him in Leeds about 6 years ago. Utterly brilliant. And he provided my funniest TV moment of last year on Saturday Kitchen. Think I posted it on here at the time, I was howling. RIP Someone knew something even though it was denied.
On his Dane Edna show he had somebody like Joan Collins come on with a fur coat which some of the audience booed at and he said "I didn't know the acrylic was an endangered species" his ability at on the spot humour was second to none. He will be missed.