Hmmmmmm. Firstly half dreadful. Second half denied a clear penalty and played better. For between Bland and Jalo but Jalo just edges it. Shane Flavell let a soft goal in as he was otherwise excellent.
Toss up between Bland and Jalo for me too but Bland played most of the match so just shades it for me.
If Jalo had been on the field a little longer, and hadn’t gone to ground holding his face embarrassingly when he’d not been touched anywhere near his face, I’d have considered him. But from coming on right to the end young Bland didn’t only look like he wasn’t out of place, he looked like our best and most established player.
Bland for me. I thought he had an excellent game. Whilst clearly not an wing back, he might actually be the sort of player we've been missing in order to switch to a flat back 4. Though I'm still not convinced on who I'd play at the other side (Gent when fit though).
Thought Bland, Jalo and Russell all contributed when they came on but Bland shades it for playing longer.
Reading a Cambridge forum they said that one of there players dragged Jalo to the ground by his throat.