Following on from the NHS thread about sharing our medical records with 3rd parties from the other week that someone started .IveJust been sent the following link What you reckon
I don't have an issue with my covid vaccination status being on the app. If I was to go to the final of the Euros and I get asked to show my vaccination status I would think that entirely reasonable. You get asked for ID when buying booze/fags. Edit. Typo.
There will be "civilian checkpoints" apparently. Your hernia repair and your false teeth will all be on there for anyone to see!
Silkie Carlo is the head of Big Brother Watch, the NHS App prior to it being "rolled back" had the fields already created to be populated with things such as alleged criminal activity. Never mind actual convictions...
And you believe that? Why? There’s no UID on the NHS database that could link you to the PNC, and even if there were, well I’m no expert on the PNC but… that just sounds nuts to me, and in my time I’ve had access to an awful lot of U.K. government data.
I'm all for listening to the other side of an argument, but not when it comes from the mouth of this irrefutable maniac.
Very worrying indeed. The app should be ONLY to show you've had the jab or a recent clean test. What do we think about our own club? Government whispers in the press make it sound like showing your medical records will not be mandatory but individual businesses might choose to have you show proof on entry in different places. I would sincerely hope if the government make it known it's not mandatory to show a vaccine passport our own club would be quick to come out and say nobody would need to ever show anything at the turnstile to get in.
So would I. What I am saying is if reports are true that a vaccine passport will not be mandatory but left to individual businesses to decide for themselves if they want to check everyone on entry, I would hope with the idea not being mandatory that our club would be quick at letting us all know our statuses will not be getting checked on arrival at Oakwell.
Scary. Vaccine passports apps. Links to Full health records. Personal data including links to records. Supposedly multi million pound contracts already signed up for. Even though still being challenged.
What alarms me the that those that were put in power now lie to the extent they openly stand in front of both the house to which they were elected and also TV cameras and deny what is taking place...when the truth of the matter plans are in place for stuff like this to happen....happening more of late...mmmmm away from the app..... fun and games seem to be surfacing in regards to 2500 VIP football officials being allowed into the country for the final at Wembley ... without any check of vaccinations or having to abide to isolation rules..... One rule for the common man one rule for those deemed the elite....
My ancient Samsung Alpha and my partner's iPhone 6 won't run the track and trace app, so I guess we don't have vaccine passports...... Not sure if I should be happy or not. I'm certainly not forking out £100s just so all my personal data is available to whoever it is that can access it.
After the NHS opt out link was posted on here the other week ....both the wife and I filled out the form and opted out of our information being shared with a 3rd party ....