Found a mistle thrush chick in the garden and want to help it. It can fly a bit but not enough to get out. Ideas please? Hopefully this will help I would leave it or the parents won't want anything to do with it.
Problem is the dog will kill it before then. I’ve managed to persuade it to fly into here for now with some water.
No I can't, I've no idea where it's from. I've got 2 silver birches in my garden but can't see any nests at all. We've only lived here about a month so no idea of any history either. It's strong enough to fly a bit, but can't get high enough to clear our fences.
We had one fall down our guttering last year and other half's mum tried to nurse it, put it in a shoe box etc but didn't survive overnight. Sounds like a ballache if your dog might get it but best chance of survival is probably not touching it sadly.
What you don't know won't hurt you. Look and see if next door have any trees and gently help it over the fence. You will have helped it and your conscience of it being alive when you tended to it will be clear.
Just try and keep pets away from it, thine or others. Parents should return if it's quiet in the garden. If it looks hungry try leaving some mealworms near it.
I was walking home from work a couple of years ago and a Grouse and it's chicks ran across a busy road. They all made it across barring one. As a car ran over the top of it the suction dragged it up and it bounced off the underside of the car. It was dazed and was flapping about on the road. I ran into the middle of the road, picked it up and checked it over. It's family were in the farmers field by now. All I did was walk 6 feet into the field and gently drop the chick in the wheat. I didn't know if it was safe but it was better than being mangled on Greasbrough Road.
They nest in thicker brambles / bushes. Open cup nests like a blackbird. If you can watch it a while without the dog near, see if their is any parent activity (they might not appear if you are visible). meal or small garden worms might help it. Or maggots.
We had a baby bird on our lawn last year - mother had been unfortunately killed by a magpie. Phoned a few places for help - in the end I travelled 20 miles to take it to a bird sanctuary in the middle of nowhere.
Just been to check on it, it’s flown off which I am taking as a good sign. Stanley the dog has been for a good sniff round and he can’t find it so must have escaped the garden at least.
Soak the mealworms in water though first to soften them or they could choke on them, better still sunflower hearts or suet pellets Good luck