barnsley box office twitter page says 1235 is this how many we have sold or how many are still on sale? i always thought they anounced how many had been sold but they went on sale yesterday and that seems alot in one day
They sold 900 on first day and rest today I think. It's only first allocation of 1400 though, more to come if required. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
Seeing as the Blackpool lads and lasses will mostly be boycotting, the away capacity must be huge if the Oystons are wanting to cash in.
Hoggie says the police have advised him that early arrivals will be prosecuted. I take it he means coach operators.
I reckon they'd let us have behind one goal and all down one side if we could sell the tickets. Won't be many home fans in attendance going by their forums Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk
We had behind the goal and half of one side last time, good few thousand there but nowhere near sold out, would imagine the allocation could increase above 3000 if required.
Can't see us getting more than 2000. Nearly 1300 is a top start but honestly can't see us getting much above 2000 unless we play well both games in between Christmas and New Year alongside winning at Forest.
We took over 2000 last season under LJ in one of the.most boring games.of football I have watched. And like ld red says it's the fa cup I reakon we will take 3000 I've still got to.get 4 tickets.maybe more but I'm not rushing as I know they will be plenty
Re: I was going to go Will the flag br making an appearance? I imagine they will be plenty of room for it
Re: I was going to go Not sure last game I went to was norwich and it was there then so probley unless it traveled to cardiff
I can see us taking quite a lot. Reds doing well on the road and a team really worth watching. Sent from my SM-G850F using Tapatalk