Coincidentally this article was published in yesterday's Guardian. For those of you who weren't at the game (quite a lot of you by the sounds of it) there was a certain amount of booing of our team towards the end of last night's game. I agree with the writer of the article. We have a young team and they come out to represent us and they always do their best. Booing them is a poor show - they need our support. As for those who slag them off on here and never go to a game - well you couldn't make it up really.
I completely understand booing. I've read the article and there's another thing not been suggested...the need to express an emotion about the entire club which the owners will hear - a vocal way of telling the board, via the players, that the entire set up is a load of bol.ocks. It's not about the players who may actually be trying hard and it's certainly not about the expectation of success (we are BFC supporters after all) it's about the entire sh.t show when people have paid hard earned money, been sold a spin, then have to sit in the cold and rain whilst realizing they've been taken for mugs. Boo away I say.
Booing is an opinion and they were giving their opinion after the match . I didn’t personally boo but can understand why some did . I’ve nothing against it personally unless it’s during the game which I think is well out of order as imo we’re there to support and during a game is doing the polar opposite .
Tbh even the boos sounded quite apathetic. The game ended in a very flat way. Also I think vocalisation at a football match is part and parcel of it. I dont think people are doing it because they think it will change anything, more to vent their own frustrations at the result.
No way did that performance warrant booing, its no use booing them then complaining when the confidence is gone. Now if you were a Reading fan................,
Serves no purpose whatsoever. Never done it and never will. Supporters are supposed to support their team not do the oppositions job for them. What makes me laugh is the people who boo at the halftime whistle and then 15 minutes later applaud the same players back on the pitch.
Do you think the players are stood on the pitch thinking "Thank God it's not me they're booing". They've just given it their best shot, they're tired, they know full well they need to start winning, they probably feel bad enough that they've not done, and then some muppet starts booing. Must work wonders for their morale.
Fans who pay to go through the turnstiles and watch the game have every right to boo at the end of the game. Whether it achieves anything is another matter. I don't have a problem with the team / performance being booed as a whole but I draw the line at booing individual players. That is out of order.
They're not Muppets, they have a right to boo. As for the players...if someone on several thousand pounds a week can't put up with booing for a few minutes then they should get another job. They're not being harmed. I don't boo myself if I'm honest, but the holier than thou attitude against people expressing their opinion like that is patronizing.
The question is though "what good does booing do?". Personally I think it only makes things worse. If you asked the lads on the pitch, they'd say they'd rather be supported and encouraged.
Fair enough. I just think people can boo if they wish. I have no qualms about it if they do, particularly in circumstances like we are in at the min. Cheers.