The bomb squad raced to a hospital A&E allegedly because a man had a WWII anti-tank shell stuck in his rectum. They were called to give specialist support after the man presented to Gloucestershire Royal Hospital A&E with the 57mm shell in his behind, reports the Sun,Evening Standard ( and other sources) The unidentified man reportedly claimed the inert bomb was his own and that he had “slipped and fallen” on it. A source told the newspaper: “The guy said he found the shell when he was having a clear out of his stuff.
Just out of interest.... was there anything in the rumours that circulated around town late 70s, early 80s, that there was a drunken bloke walking through the town centre with his lad out. Then it transpired that he'd trapped it in his zip and blocked out a nerve? Also; the nutcracker on the testicles in the Odeon story?
Besides removing the shell the bomb squad also removed 3 marvel figures....guess it was a case of've got to search for the hero inside yourself