Just thinkin, these 3 are old school blue blood old money upper class out and out Tories. So as they are so loaded it's frightening, why are they so determined to push Brexit, there sure as h*ll not doing it for the benefit of the likes of us cos I don't think they have any concept of the kind of lives the ordinary person in the street live. My suspicious nature thinks that once they get rid of the EU, workers rights, H&S legislation, Unions, Tribunals and anything that "Obstructs" their big business buddies and backers will follow very soon after. But for the life of me I can't see what's in it for them, any suggestions welcome, even if ya think i'm an old cynic and they have the best interest of good old GB at heart....sure i'll get a kickin for this one but seriously ...
There was a program on earlier this year about how much money each has made since the result of the referendum and how much they stand to make when it is eventually pushed through, inevitably without a deal. Millions closing in on billions. That's all it's about. It's that simple.
It doesn't particularly, but I doubt they will be able to come up with a proposal agreeable to both sides. Brexit benefits them, so they'll push it through with or without a deal.
William Rees-Mogg wrote a book called "Blood on the Streets" - basically how to make money in turbulent times (disaster capitalism). His son is basically following the blueprint in the book. They are expecting the currency to fluctuate wildly so that they can make money.
Well, Skinner "whats in it for them" I assume you mean the 3 amigos, I'll just refer to Rees-Mooog as the others are just in it for the limelight. Rees-Mogg this is him that will profit most he is part owner of Somerset Capital and he moved the Hedge Fund business to Dublin as to stay in the E.U,(you could not make it up) they have subsidiaries in the tax havens of the Cayman Islands and Singapore that tells you all you want to know about this individual. Is he trying to make Britain a tax haven, when we are out of the E.U. only time, will tell?. Its easier to con people than convince them they have been conned.
Also Brexit is vital for them due to new EU tax laws that come in in January or that make tax avoidance by just parking all your money off shore no longer work. Making sure the rich pay their taxes is one thing they want to avoid at all costs
And anyone who puts double spaces after a full stop is invariably a tw@t. It's one of the most reliable tests there is.
There is no doubt they wanted shut of EU employment protections in order that their business chums could exploit workers even more. Kaht Junior tells me that you are lucky if you have two weeks' paid holiday a year in the US, and only then after those 'privileges' have been earned over years. I also strongly suspect that they will all have some financial stake in American companies gaining access to the NHS. It may be support services, as opposed to clinicians, but that can have a profound effect.
Then there's all the Brexit experts who are in demand as after dinner speakers at Business events, to give worried UK companies the latest lowdown. You can book Laura Kuenssberg here for £10-25k. https://www.speakersassociates.com/speaker/laura-kuenssberg There's a proper little industry going on. Yet many working class people still think the Rees-Mogg's have their best interests at heart. https://www.thedailymash.co.uk/poli...ziata-rees-mogg-is-on-his-side-20190415184707
slightly O/T but Rees-Mogg's wife is in line to inherit the Wentworth Woodhouse millions when her mother dies.