Love it, you’ve made a major contribution to the world of sports journalism by creating a very complex and intricate template for reporting on a boring scoreless draw. I can easily see you being amongst the Sports writers awards this year. Perhaps best newcomer, best contribution.
Laughing. I was going to do a moderate report. Somewhere between majority and minority. My entire repertoire would have been "Meh". To be fair, I would have missed out the exclamation mark. Didn't think the match deserved it.
PS Windy definitely invented that. I'd never seen that word before he used it and I thought it was brilliant and I've used it ever since.
brilliant Bossman - I googled 'Meh' -- (I associate it with sheep's noise - something to do with my Taff heritage!) - surprised to see that 'Meh' is putting into a word the action - 'shrugging your shoulders - - having watched the match I think your Report was absolutely spot-on.