A GENUINE national disgrace. Copied from friends in North Dorset.. Similar reports, nationally.. I don’t think they got a fox, but a couple of hounds got injured or died on a road. On this one. & a lame horse.. CATTISTOCK BOXING DAY DISGRACE Cattistock Hunt – Royal Oak Pub, Hardington Moor While hounds (who are fed on raw fallen stock carcasses) climbed all over picnic benches at the pub meet, sabs got into position and pre-sprayed areas where foxes run along Coker Hill. The hunt left the meet and took hounds to search the woods below Ridge Lane. Sabs rated hounds as they began to pick up a scent and the huntsman took them away down to a root field at Milcombe Farm. Within minutes hounds were in cry after a fox back up the hill. Sabs tried to stop hounds as they passed the nature reserve but, with a thick hedge separating them, hounds continued the pursuit past us, over the road and down towards West Coker. Sabs caught up with the huntsman on foot gathering hounds in a field next to the crossroads and 6 lost hounds were brought back in a truck. Later we heard that hounds had sadly killed a sheep. Obviously the hunt were quick to blame sabs, saying that we called the hounds over there, we have the footage to prove their lies though. See comments for video. After that, the hunt fled all the way to New Plantation, a large wood near Haselbury Pluncknett and a favourite hiding place for them. Drunk supporters held up the landy driving very slowly and erratically in front of us. Police were called but did not attend. With little foot access, sabs launched the drone, which sent one little scummer into a frenzy, pushing and shoving until being dragged away by hunt master Arthur! His rampage wasn’t over though as he drove up the road and assaulted another sab who was filming at the wood, before once more being moved on by Arthur and other supporters. Later on sabs witnessed him lying paralytic in the mud before getting in a fight with other supporters and ending up in tears in the back of Arthur's truck! The hunt next picked up a fox the other side of the road on Broad Hill. Excited supporters were pointing down the road which alerted sabs that a fox had crossed. The landy team were quick to the scene to spray and call off hounds as they approached in cry. Other sabs arrived and the huntsman was forced to take hounds away. The hunt headed east and hounds were soon in cry again with 2 foxes on the run. One escaped across the road towards Hardington Marsh and was guarded by sabs, while the other was seen running north towards Cold Harbour Hill. Excellent communication between teams mean that another team was in position at Hill End to see the fox running through a herd of cows. Hounds were soon approaching in cry and sabs managed to distract hounds who lost the line. The huntsman came flying past though encouraging them on over the road where they picked up the scent again. The original team had moved round to intercept and witnessed the huntsman struggling though the mud on foot before a fox ran right past sabs closely followed by hounds. See comments for video. Sabs managed to slow hounds but were unable to stop them in their frenzied state. The fox was chased up and down the hillside west of Hardington Mandeville and hopefully escaped into the village as the huntsman was soon seen gathering hounds. They had one last attempt to kill a fox in the wood at the bottom of Common Lane. One team of sabs on Windmill Hill kept a close eye on the wood along with the terriermen, while the others went down Common Lane. Hounds circled the wood several times in full cry before a fox was filmed heading west from the wood followed by hounds and was marked to ground in a hedgerow. With the hunt aware sabs had caught this on film, terriermen could only watch in disappointment as the huntsman gathered the hounds and left. It was then back to the pub to spread their filth again before heading home, we believe, empty handed. Another shameful display from this hunt who like to portray themselves as somewhat elite and prestigious.
I know it's easy to make jokes, but this practice is utterly appalling. Might be nice to turn the tables. Running Man / Hunger Games style. Take a landed toff, give him a 10 minute start then release a Wagner squad.
Take each individual & drop them off in, let's say Botswana, Lion infested country & march the vermin 30 mile to their own devices. See how they like it.
killing animals for fun is a psychopathic behaviour, simple as that. As Oscar Wild put it - "the unspeakable in pursuit of the inedible"