Seems that Roger Waters is a Putin supporter. I once bumped into 3 members of the Floyd on Newcastle station and asked for their autographs, Nick Mason and Dave Gilmour were both very pleasant but Waters was quite nasty, making a snide comment about the fact that I was getting their autographs on the song sheet from the Gong album "You" which I'd just bought...
What a total dick. I’ll boycott them. But as I haven’t bought anything of theirs since Dark Side of the Moon it’s not going to have much effect
What an absolute joke the world is when the United Nations security council invites a 79 year old random bloke to give them a speech about the most dangerous war to the world possibly in the history of mankind simple because he can play the guitar.
He was much better when he opened the batting alongside Phil Sharpe and Dennis Amiss. Never rated him as a prog-rock musician. You can't play a guitar holding the guitar neck with both hands.
It has not been a quiet week for Roger Waters. “You are anti-Semitic to your rotten core,” novelist Polly Samson told the rock star on Twitter. “Also a Putin apologist and a lying, thieving, hypocritical, tax-avoiding, lip-synching, misogynistic, sick-with-envy, megalomaniac.”... "Every word demonstrably true". HER HUSBAND David Gilmour. No love lost there then.
Totally agree. This did remind me though of a visit I made to Monte Cassino a few years ago. We went to all the cemeteries – British, Polish, German. Very moving. At the British cemetery, the guide was keen to point out one headstone. ‘Waters.’ This was Roger Waters’ father KIA at Anzio 1944. Roger Waters was only a few months old at the time and never knew his father. Misguided as he is in this case, that from all accounts, had a great effect on his life. In fact ‘The Wall’ was all about him dealing with the trauma I think. Not that I'm making making any apologies on his behalf for his views on this and other stuff
He’s a pri(k and has been for many many years. Insanely over-inflated ego. I’m glad Polly has called him out. Long overdue. It’s a shame that ‘boycott Floyd’ is an outcome, as the rest of the band are either dead or have nothing to do with his ridiculous behaviour.
Agree and indeed Gilmour and Mason were two of the first to support the Ukraine and raised £450,000 for humanitarian aid from their joint record with a Ukrainian singer who had joined the army. They added £50,000 of their own money to make it half a million. So I can understand a move to boycott Waters but he hasn't been part of Pink Floyd since 1985 and the remaining members do not share his views at all.
David Gilmour has always been the better musician and singer, for me. I was never bothered about Waters leaving the group. Floyd have managed without him although they did produce some brilliant stuff together along with some dross.
Let’s be reyt, the lot of em have a huge amount to thank Syd for. Even their best work without him, was about him.
Spot on. He even worked on a couple of Albums after he left. It was Waters that shunned him from the band. All the other members were still in favour of having him around. He even lived with Wright and Gilmour produced his two solo albums. There was massive guilt there that they went along with Waters. That isn't fact just a feeling I get. Mason, Gilmour and Wright speak with great sadness about his departure. Waters just washed his hands paraphrasing "well we got him to see a shrink and there was nothing more could be done. We made sure he was well looked after".
I think you’ve got to see this in the context of the on going feud between Gilmour and Waters ,who took a swipe at the Hey Hey Rise Up song supported by Gilmour under the Pink Floyd banner as a pro war song with origins in the Ukrainian Nationalist Sich Riflemen of 1914 later to side with the nazis in the Second World War against Russia and Poland . Waters took umbrage at this and made some unpleasant comments about Gilmour and his apparent promotion of a pro war song verses a message of peace . Gilmour and his wife then went full barrels at Waters accusing of being an anti semite because his criticism of the Israeli government and pro equal rights for Palestinians in Israel , I think Waters refused to tour in Israel . Waters is now claiming to be a pro peace activist but it’s all about winding Gilmour up and vice versa .
Apart from Dark Side of the Moon (Full Album). There's a couple of tracks apiece on More and Saucer Full Of Secrets. Then Wish you were here (song). Shine on you crazy diamond (song). The rest was 5hite. I've got a few Albums and a lot of the stuff they did was crap. (Umma Gumma was desperately babba).
Looks like he’s re-recorded Dark Side of the Moon