Regardless of your opinion of its owner took 50% less its usual friday night takings. They employ around 30 staff... mostly young locals on a part time basis working around their families. Keep on curfewing...
Experts re- the bar owners themselves, are saying that the 10 pm closing time could see a possible increase in infections. Their reasoning is that when it's normal hours, when the bell goes at 11pm for last orders, you usually have punters leaving the bar over an ensuing period of up to 45 minutes. Under the new dictat, the bar has to close bang on 10pm so the punters are all leaving the premises at once and gathering in groups to chat outside the pub or converging in the " offy" to buy more booze to continue their socialising elsewhere. My son popped round to collect some belated gifts and cards from our relatives at Doncaster for our grandson today. He was telling us that someone on their street has now alerted the police on at least four occasions when they have suspected that more than six people have been congregating at neighbours houses on the street. In all cases apparently, all alerts have hitherto proved to be unfounded.
So many livelihoods on the line with the draconian rules that are never ending. The 15000 protesting in London again this afternoon will grow and grow for future demos and I expect them to happen in many different parts of the country and not just our capital.
he shouldnt have been such a big fan off leaving europe then should he? and selling cheap argentinian beef a few years ago... what goes around, comes around