From highstone rd club. 'Cockney' singer singing all your favourite 'music hall' hits (lyrics handed out). Also fish from Bilingsgate market. Will make macabre viewing.
What do we think there'll be more of at this "party" - brain cells or teeth? It's going to be a close one.
Surprised they didn't go for Dame Vera Lynn..... bring back the Empire, make England great again.....workhouses..... debtors prisons..... doffing your cap t'lord o manor.....
Now that's an idea I can get behind. Failing that, I've found somewhere to keep the people returning from Wuhan for the night.
"I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure." Maybe Ripley is the prophet for the new UK.
I genuinely forgot it was today. On a more important note, it’s cheat day and we’re having Thai green beef curry and sticky rice.
No I was/am a staunch remainer but it is what it is. I don't wish abject poverty or suffering on anyone. Only history will be the judge. It will be an interesting ride that's for sure, just glad I'm lucky enough to have a firm saddle.