Come on all you fans of keeping Johnny Foreigner out, time to go pick some stuff yeah?
Are you suggesting that all the recently unemployed/furloughed will turn their nose up at doing this? I feel you may be mistaken
A bit of hard graft, or spend the summer at home, getting paid 80% of my wages for doing nowt. Hmmm, tough decision.
And there we have the perfect example of why the UK is only 10th in the EU table!! Also why us 'oldies' consider view some of the next generations as 'self entitled'. Fortunately many have responded to the various campaigns asking for people to pick fruit and veg (see on article below). If you read up on it you would have seen that thousands of students and furloughed people of all ages have applied. It is not so long ago that people actually treated it as a 'paid holiday'. Many students also worked on farms in summer, again treating it as a paid holiday. In a previous post, highlighting an article on the BBC website about young professionals, well qualified people taking on low paid jobse.g. in supermarkets, volunteering with I suggested that unemployed , suitably fit people should be persuaded through sanctions to take up those jobs ( after all a) Jobseekers turning down job offers/not seeking work get their allowance stopped anyway don't they? and b) food lodgings and at least a minimum wage is surely better that JSA!. I was compared to some far right dictator by some of the Socialist clique on here, as someone who would round up all the unemployed and transport them to Gulags even where they would be forced to work! One idiot (now on ignore) even sarcastically asked me if that included forcing to forcing Cancer sufferers to work in the fields too. We are effectively on a war footing, People at the front (NHS staff are dying) and, in spite of some denying the fact, before lockdown, you only had to drive/walk past most JobCentres to see a handful of young healthy men hanging around outside waiting for their handouts with absolutely no intention of taking up gainful employment. Yes they are a small minority but they DO exist. And before anyone comes back at me, although we are in lockdown, both being 66 and in the high risk category, we are limited in what we can do. Nevertheless we are contributing as much as we can to help our local community! EDIT: Above Link not working? Try this...
he could. We all could. Isn’t there a large group of people who were worried that “they” were coming over here taking our jobs however?
Could you tell me, what practical use this is? What does it actually do? It is a movement that has come down from the very top; our Prime Minister endorses this and encourages everyone to do it. And it has appeased an entire nation. Do you know what he has the power to do, what would actually make a difference? Pay NHS staff more. Double their wages. And all care staff working in the public sector. He could do this just as easily as asking people to clap. He could pay people what they deserve or he could train a nation like a handler trains sea lions. And don't for a second believe this is something he's said on a whim; this is a political policy debated at length within the government. And it works: When someone makes a very valid point, that we're no longer able to harvest the crops we've planted because we've voted in a policy that excludes migrant workers, our sea lion nations responds thus: Yeah, but we clapped the NHS. I firmly believe that we're tackling the Covid-19 in entirely the wrong way. That's not because I'm heartless, it's not because I don't understand the severity of the problem. It's for one reason and one reason only: I believe many, many more people will suffer and die as a result of our actions to combat Covid-19 than of the disease itself. But there is a huge caveat in that: Prolonged and intense exposure to this virus will kill many healthy adults who would, under normal circumstances, fight off the infection very easily. These are our front line workers. We could clap them or we could pay them what they deserve. Don't clap. Use that energy to pressure the government to significantly increase their wages. As far as the OP is concerned: if you voted for Brexit you should be commandeered into harvesting the nation's food supply. We can't reap what we sowed. Brexiteers can reap what they sowed.
Put your fishing rod away, it's neither the time or the place, there's hundreds upon hundreds of people dying daily to put silly stuff like this up just to cause arguments and on Easter Sunday too
I think it's been adopted from Spain and other countries who were doing this before we lock downed. My daughters told me about it from socoal media and when we opened the door the first night we thought we could look right loons but quite a few others did it too. All I care about is that it's cheered up real hcp that I know.
There’s not much a lot of people can do. They are quarantined in their house. They feel part of the community when they get involved in this. They put rainbows in the windows to show they care. I really don’t give a ... what your nurse girlfriend thinks. Clearly the both of you have a similar outlook on life. I have many friends who are nurses and doctors, who feel supported and uplifted by the doorstep clapping. I also have many friends and neighbours who really enjoy the sense of community that they get from doing it. The children love hearing the people around them, even if it’s just for 5 mins a week. It also puts pressure on the powers that be to think about future wages. Next time we’re all in Oakwell, maybe we should all just stand there silent the whole game... I’m sure it doesn’t affect the players at all.. or the rest of the fans...
I know some do but for the ones it cheers up I'll carry on doing it. However I do care about what your girlfriend as a nurse feels I wouldn't want to be swapping places right now with her.
A good friend is a paramedic. She thinks the clapping is brilliant, it motivates her and she really appreciates it. Everyone where I live is out clapping every Thursday, and I'll continue to do it until this nightmare is over, to show my appreciation for the heroes. However, I agree with you that they should be paid substantially more, and not in the future, NOW! I cannot begin to imagine the intolerable pressure they are under.
Why just Brexiteers are they the only ones that will go hungry? The labour shortage has nothing to do with Brexit at all.
It's all about personal opinion really. I know the majority of my colleagues appreciate the clapping. I've only been off work on one of the 'clap' days and my wife kind of bullied me into coming to the door and joining in. I'm front line ward based but i'm not nursing covid patients. The staff who are i hold in great esteem.
The other day it was reported that many thousands intend to....