Not seen many comments about Brittain on here (although I haven’t read the matchday thread tbf). I thought he was excellent tonight, particularly the first half. The ball over the top for our second goal was class too. Let’s hope he can get back to his performance levels of last season.
I’ve just read the man of the match thread and he’s getting praise in there so apologies for this thread.
Agree, both Callums played well tonight and more like they did under Val. Let’s hope for more of the same for the rest of the season.
The bloke behind me, who spouts ‘tripe’ for 90 minutes excelled himself last night. He said “Britain isn’t playing well, he’s not creative enough”. 10 seconds later Britain puts in a 40 yard pass for Big Vic who scores. Barmpot is still unconvinced after his quick thinking free kick leads to the winning goal. As much as he annoys me to death, he’s comedy gold.
Precision kick for the 2nd goal, I'm a Brittain fan but you have to question the amount of space Derby allowed the Callums to have out wide.
Had a good game yesterday,he was left frustrated a few times when the ball he wanted just didn’t arrive. Nice to see him hungry for the ball again and determined in his running at defenders.
I was sat close to a wonderful chap who spent the whole second half shouting ‘get back in your nets’ at Brad Collins, as he was apparently uncomfortable with him being stationed at or beyond his 18 yard line. That is obviously a new thing …( aaagh ) and Brad of course serves no purpose being as high so needs to drop deeper ( bigger aaagh ). All clubs have them. We tend to have as many as most though!
And as for Brittain, it was his best performance this season for me. Assist for both, and his cross for the Iseka header which was saved point blank first half was phenomenal. Sometimes his crossing has left a lot to be desired but that was a great ball, as was the free kick for the second. Re Styles, is he carrying a knock? I didn’t see an obvious reason to bring Williams on unless Laumann just wanted someone slightly taller and quicker maybe?
He clearly wasn't playing for the old manager, which isn't a great trait but hopefully not Schopp has gone Brittain can get his head back down and start performing like we know he can. He's too good to be putting in performances like he has thus far this season.
He had a great game - almost Beckhamesque at times. I'm still wiping the egg of my face from wanting him ahem "rested" Lets hope it isn't a one off and he maintains this level for the rest of the season.
Styles and Brittain got in some great positions to cross the ball, but disappointingly we had only one man in the box to 3 defenders.
We do. There's an utter c*ckwomble a few rows back from me who spends 90% of the game winding himself up into a frenzy almost constantly shouting "Get a foot on it, get a foot on it" - progressively louder and more shrieking. Drives me barmy
he put in some great crosses last night. I think they were all on orders of getting the ball forward quickly. The blind pass by benson out to styles was a good example of this. didn't even look just turned and played it (he might have known he was there before but it was a great pass). We didn't fanny about getting in the box. SHame Woodrow was nowhere to be seen most of the time as he was in his generally preferred holding midfield role. One thing I did notice abut woodrow though is he didn't do as much looking for the man when going for challenges - which irks me a lot. PLays the man more than the ball most of the time.
Very much agree. Glad Brittain had a good game. But still disgusted in him for not putting in the same effort for his previous head coach.
Was fantastic last night. Been clamouring for a while to be dropped in place of Williams, but looked his former self and was brilliant. Constant danger, wanting the ball, making runs, seemingly playing without pressure. Fingers crossed he stays fit and fighting if he can continue this form