It's worth doing a bit of research online to find out what the fault is based on the error code. There's probably an 80% chance it's the drain pump - either clogged or crapped out. You can get to it to clean it yourself, or if it's gone a replacement will be about £25 and should be easy enough to fit yourself.
If it’s not draining it’ll be the pump that’s jammed due to some crap in it……remove the filter, then Witt a sponge drain the water and have a good look inside with a torch, I had some glass in mine so be careful
Agreed, did mine myself after a bit of research. Clogged pipe, that l removed, cleaned and then did the "tilt" trick to reset the dishwasher.
No power to it doesn't light up or make a sound. I've got power going into the pcb but that's it. Looks like a new circuit board so may aswell just get a new machine.
When mine is broken i usually take her for a night out meal or if it's seriously broken an holiday helps
Few other things could be too, Door latch, switch selector,drive motor, thermal fuse. Does it have a child safety option, this can do this too if activated by mistake.
Ours is a Baumatic BDIN1L38B-80 with similar issues. The touch screen often fails to work and it won't turn on. Advice from manufacturer was to unplug it after every use. The last time it failed to work it took 8 days for it to start up again.