Bus to Brooklands Hotel

Discussion in 'Bulletin Board ARCHIVE' started by Guest, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. Gue

    Guest Guest

    Which buses go near or to The Brooklands Hotel for the Supporters' Trust meeting next week? I know the way walking but i can't be bothered to. (puke)
  2. Gue

    Guest Guest

    Are you serious about the supporters' meeting being held at Brooklands?

    Wouldn't set foot in the place!

    :(( :( /poo (N) (furious) (NOOO) (puke) (banghead) (battered) (wnkr) (foff) (puke)
  3. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: Bus to Brooklands Hotel (from Barnsley town centre)

    As far as i know it is. Why what is wrong with it. Should be a decent meeting with Andy Richie there.
  4. Gue

    Guest Guest

    RE: Bus to Brooklands Hotel (from Barnsley town centre)

    It's owned by the man who tried to shut us down.

    Can't believe we're holding it there.
  5. Gue

    Guest Guest

    Services 14, 21, 22 23 from 't bus station

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