PM no policies, 45 min Telegraph article. Beavers, otters, European Super League, bash immigrants, pet thieves, blamed business for the mess and lots of jokey crap. Anything I'm missing........ Starmer called him trivial to be polite. I'll try to do the same and called him clueless. It would be funny if it wasn't so serious. The country is going to the wall and this is best he's got.
I've just watched it myself. He's an idiot. It isn't an act. He has no idea. He has no answers. People tell him what to say. They hold dummy cards for him, and even that isn't enough to keep him on message. But worse than that. He's egotistical. He's expectant. He covets what everyone else has, but he's lazy. He's a coward. He wants adulation without effort and truth. He may be trivial, but I see him more as frivolous. If anyone was doing a fact check on that 44 minutes of gibberish and nonsense, they'll have a long day. I have utter dismay that we're in a position that we have this absolute moron as our PM, surrounded by a clueless rabble of idiots and sycophants... yet still voted for and supported by people who think its fine to lie and feather your own nest. I think he's already beyond his zenith. You only had to see reaction beyond the faux glee of his cabinet. Tepid. Eyebrows raised. They know he isn't a tory. They know he hasn't a clue. I still don't see him in place at the next GE.
He quotes Churchill and a facist in the same speech. He's basically revelling in duper's delight, he can't believe he's in charge. His Russian backers must be extremely happy with Agent Sasha's work.
When the prime minister of Great Britain states that if Columbus had listened to Starmer he would have discovered Tenerife and not the Americas then he's lost the plot altogether or we have for listening to him.
He loves the speeches, despite his multiple fumbles, errs and aberrations. It's the only time his handler lets him off her leash.
I shall sleep a lot easier tonight knowing that the country has nothing to worry about because it can produce Emma Raducanu, a successful national football team*, and lots of unicorns. * unless you're Welsh, Scottish or Northern Irish.
Tories will vote for him because he's Tory. Working-class will vote for him cos he's funny. Brexiteers will vote for him cause he 'got brexit done'. He'll win the next election no problem.
Columbus didn't discover America. It had been there all the time and lived in by lots of different ethnic Native American peoples.
All points made here are right on the money. Probably added another couple of % points to the Tories' lead.
I intend to join the Tory party and stand for the position of PM. Here is my vision for the economy: “Like a circle in a spiral, like a wheel within a wheel, never ending or beginning on an ever-spinning reel, as the images unwind like the circles that you find in the windmills of your mind.” Makes more sense than Johnson. I’ll be elected with a landslide. Fact.
Tories will vote for him because he's Tory. - That's a given. Working-class will vote for him cos he's funny. - Please don't make out the working-class are idiots I'm working class and I would sooner slit my throat than vote for this incompetent lying racist. Brexiteers will vote for him cause he " got brexit done". - As he really what about Northern Ireland and all the chaos caused in the fishing industry, Farming and labour shortages in numerous industry's too many to mention. He'll win the next election no problem. - Don't count your chickens before they hatch like all tory's do, because this ain't over by a long chalk this clown of a man will hang himself and the rest of the tory front bench all of whom are brainless, spinless and incompetent never before in our long history have we had a set of incompetent w@nkers in government," not even the evil Thatchers government was as incompident," as we have seen and heard over the last week or two, take them 2 doughnuts Raab and Hancock. ( Terresa Coffee, Liz Truss, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Nadine Dorries, Priti Patel and not forgetting £200,000,000 worth chancellor of the exchequer Rishi Sunak who has just taken £20 a week from the poorest and vulnerable people in the U.K.). Brexit is going to hurt the people of Britain big time not the rich and famous and the millionaire Tory backers most of who are involved in these Pandora Papers, but the likes of you and I. Rant Over.
One of the biggest things Johnson has going for him is his cheery optimism and upbeat message. Of course it's all ********, but people like to hear it and be carried along. He has charisma, just like Trump, Hitler or Jimmy Saville. But if there were an election tomorrow he would undoubtedly get back in convincingly. There has not been enough time elapsed yet to conclude that he will fail in his "levelling up" agenda, if he ever defines what it means. But it can reasonably be guessed that he will fail. There are still enough brexiteers who have the gift of ignoring what is going on around them and who fail to acknowledge that brexit is making most of the country's problems more difficult to deal with. So what, if anything will begin to make people doubt the blonde bombshell? The increase in NI contributions is yet to hit, and will not be welcomed when it comes, especially amongst pensioners who still work and are now to be liable to NI. And it's hard to see how Sunak can begin to redress the debt-cost of Covid without further punitive tax measures. The gas price spike today has to be a big worry, especially if current trends persist into the New Year, when the price cap will have to rise phenomenally. That's more than just a UK problem, and not one that the Tories can throw money at. There has been no real incentive for European HGV license holders to help us out and only 27 applications have been made for visas. Christmas demand and further panic buying will probably mean shortages and price rises in the run-up to the Festive season. Petrol is at historically high price levels, and likely to remain so while the driver shortage persists. The "high wage, highly skilled" economy Johnson boasts of is likely to be years away, if it ever happens. Until then, raising wages must result in inflation, and hence further demands from workers. Interest rates would then have to rise, with mortgage payment hikes becoming a further cost of living bomb likely to hit households. Back to the 70's, and stagflation. But the high wage high skill blarney is simply designed to subvert attention away from the lack of flexibility in the labour market which we enjoyed before brexit. Since Johnson came to power on the back of getting it done, he is desperate not to let it be seen that his greatest triumph is making most of the country's problems worse. Even if wages rise, where is the pool of British citizens queueing to take up the jobs? (Clue: it doesn't exist). So, lots of stuff to hit the fan. The trick for Labour will be to highlight better what, exactly they will do to address these issues, preferably including some urgent "we will do this in the first xx days" type messages. Better that than doing too much of what will be characterised as whingeing. I remain of the view that we will need a centrist to nick those marginal votes away from BS Boris, even with all that's going wrong. Let's hope that the turnaround in sentiment is not going to take the same 18 years we had to endure between Thatcher and Blair.
The thing is you can't lump all the Brexiteers together really. Millions who voted to leave will be very dissatisfied with the Brexit we've ended up with and disgusted by Boris and his chums.
I would add Corbyn was right too. But the Country beloved the vile hate campaign thrown at him by the BBC and 80% of the UK media. Things could have been so much better for the many but people choose to protect the 1%.
I agree with your economic analysis. I hope it is wrong as it will not be good for the vast majority of people in this country even though it will delay exposing this government and its leader for what it/they are, nothing more than snake oil salesmen.