Any Championship team without the infrastructure to handle rain should be docked points IMO. We could be cut further adrift now if others win, fixture pile up, Forest pick up some form and beat us. Unacceptable.
Your posts are getting more and more madcap. Yes; a fixture pileup, a chance for brum to move comfortably clear of us, a load of fans travelling unnecessarily down to Nottingham and Forest being given chance to pick up a bit of form is JUST what we need.
You understand the fixture won't be rescheduled a convenient amount of time for the squad to recover don't you? It'll be rescheduled in an awkward midweek
Again, a championship club should have infrastructure and should show they are making an effort to get a bit of rain off the pitch. Funny how Grantham a bit up the road managed to get their game played. Don’t bother replying I can tell this is all going straight over your head.
Funnily enough, the picture on Forest's Twitter accompanying the message about an inspection shows a sprinkler on. So maybe your conspiracy theory is right? Wow!
I know you are frustrated but you might as well put the kettle on and forget about it. It was called off by the referee. Its rained. Perhaps Forest could have made more of an effort - who knows. But there is no way on earth that anyone at the FA will be even remotely interested, its just one of those things. We have had far iffier postponements over the years. Move on - nothing to see here.
Are you going to refund me my train ticket? Think I've a right to be pissed off when this is so blatant
Got yo say when the ball doesn't bouncr at the start of the clip it looks a no-brainer nut the rolling balls later on seem ok. Maybe it was just in one corner but it's the Ref's call and we've got to live with it.
Distinct lack of people working on the pitch, if you were serious about getting the game on you’d at least try forking it (fnarr Norbert) for a while