We are getting 1470 unreserved seats as per club email. Other details like prices and coach will be announced at the weekend. Apparently 872 supporters have the 125+ loyalty points to be able to buy on day one.
Sorry for being daft, but how do you know how many bonus points you have? [annoying as I wanted to go to Plymouth and Ipswich which would have lifted me up the table but was working]
I'd investigated going. Cheap flights at good times into Stansted and a wee train up to Cambridge - bingo - and then realised I was out in Edinburgh that night.
Cheers pal . I think they are doing work on the line as well . Some I looked at a replacement bus service
Tough call. Watching the Reds towing their nuts off against an elite European team or a night out in a shoddy provincial village where little happens!