Hi anyone recommend a local car body repairs shop. Someone has pranged my car, admitted it and said if I get a quote he’ll then decide if he’s going through his insurers or not. Rang my dealers Who don’t do body repairs but recommended GM Motorbody on Lambra road. Guy there somewhat confused me as he gave me a leaflet for an RTA recovery service who deal with everything and would appoint him to do the work. This all seems a bit long winded to me and is there really any need to appoint what seems to be an intermediary? Was wondering if I ought to take it elsewhere for a simple quote so the guy can decide if he goes through his insurance or not. TIA
You should ring this gentleman Nathan clay working in the car trade he’s the man I always use for repairs 07766226647 will give you a free quote his email is also cosmetic.automotive.repairs@gmail.com. Hope this helps
It’s his own business but he works out of penistone road sheffield give him a call he’s a personal friend but if he can’t do it I know another body shop too based in Sheffield
Well sure but to what purpose? Someone went into the back of me a few months ago and I had to have my back bumper resprayed. He didn't want to go through his insurer and paid me the £110 it cost via bank transfer. I could have insisted on going through my insurer but it would have put my future costs up, wasted time on the phone calls and sorting out the repairs, probably cost him somewhere around double the amount upfront depending on how much his excess is plus future costs and caused a general all round faff. Instead, I took it to the resprayers down the road, got a quote, texted the guy and he paid me the money within an hour. It was all sorted by the next day and we moved on with our lives.
Did it ever occur to you that he might have not had insurance. The next person he hits might not be so lucky.
Craig Shaw up monk bretton used to work at christon berry donny rd but set up his own now just across road from redfearns in that industrial park
Of course. On an unrelated note, have you ever seen this website? https://ownvehicle.askmid.com/ Obviously, I would only ever use it to check my own car's insurance status.
And by doing so, you'll more than likely increase your premium next renewal. Check out the section "Does declaring a non-fault claim affect my insurance?" on here: https://www.comparethemarket.com/car-insurance/content/do-non-fault-claims-need-to-be-declared/
Yeah he did a nice job on my car which I was getting ready for sale. Found him a bit unreliable since though.