Bit of help required from anyone that can, please. I'm trying to get hold of some images of the old independent record store Casa Disco (of Peel Square, in Barnsley) for an international magazine article. Would anyone know any information regarding any images please? Ideally some contact information of the owner, any links of references for images (books, articles, websites, blogs, flickr), anyone else whom I could try and contact—anything would be useful at the moment. If you have any information please be in touch, either contact me through BBS, email, phone 07843439137 or simply reply to this post. Any information would be welcome Thank you. Craig.
Thank you for this, but yes, I have seen this. That image seems to be the only one in existence—if the Internet is anything to go by. Any ideas? Thanks again.
Would it be possible to get this image please? If you could upload it to the following link that would be fantastic: If we use the picture we will credit you (is you supply your details) and get you a copy of the magazine. If the image is on film could we discuss getting a copy through email? Thank you.
Try the Chronicle They should have some archive pics or at least give you the names of folk who have.
Sorry Just checked through my external hard drive and it's not on there, I must have deleted it when I transfered to a new computer.
No worries. Thanks for your time though, I appreciate it. If you cn think of anything else that may be of help that would be great.
Thanks. I've just done that. Thanks for your help. If there's anything else that springs to mind, do let me know please—anyone.
It was a great record shop. I remember the ceiling, and walls (even the windows for that matter), being totally covered in posters. Any links or routes to follow? Thanks.
Though I might be able to help as I have some books of old photos. Unfortunately, I can give you photos of what was there before but not the shop itself. As someone else has previously suggested, the Chronicle is your best bet or maybe the Central Library.
Vol 2 of Barnsley Streets has photos of that parade of shops, 1 you can just see Casa Disco on the edge of the frame, one shows the gap next to Meadows Grocery before the shop was built but the best of all are several views of the Imperial Hotel which stood on the site til 1960. Haven't got the know how to upload the pictures myself but somebody might.
last owner was a guy called steve bullock..last i heard he was a postie in town..he took loads of photos before it closed try & get to know a bit more for u mate..
It would be great if you could get a hold of him for me or pass on my contact details if he has some images. This would be brilliant if you could. I take it he's not on BBS at all?