How many chances is he going to be given for his financial mismanagement and financial-doping? I also blame the PFA for allowing it too. They should turn round and tell their members not to do business with Wednesday under any circumstances until either Chansiri sorts his **** out, or sells he stake in the club.
There surely must be a risk of them going out of existence if they get relegated. Come on, Rotherham/Dorbeh!
The thing is, I think this needs to happen. If not to Wednesday, to one of the other clubs throwing money around. It needs to happen as a real warning to the entire game, because I know we joke about it, but Wednesday really are a well supported club and there is no way a club with a supporter base that big should ever be staring relegation in the eye like they are now. Even if they were run on a break even basis, their spending power would dwarf ours, and a huge chunk of the other clubs in the Championship. And that is what I find disgusting. They didn't need a "sugar daddy" pumping millions into the club to be successful, they just needed to be run right.
But it won't ever happen to a 'big' club - even one which has won only one trophy since the 1930s - because the proper punishments are for genuinely small clubs like Bury, and Macclesfield. The last big club I can remember actually going out of business was Fiorentina. A couple of decades later, there is a club called Fiorentina, playing in Serie A, in the same stadium, in a purple kit. Bury deserved to go under, because they had been playing with fire for years. But so did Bolton, and yet they survived. Small clubs are expendable, bigger ones are not.
Nobody is too big to go down. It's all about the football, 11 v 11 on any given day 46 times a year. Lose more than the rest and you go down. SW have cooked the books, been found guilty and still got let off. They deserved to go down last season, for the financial irregularities alone. They have a reprieve and the deduction even got halved, and they still didn't have the where-with-all to try and win football matches to save their season. No, they deserve to go down, and I hope they never return to this level for many a year
If Wednesday were still carrying the mandatory punishment we wouldnt be having this conversation. Theyd be rightly and deservedly down already. Wigan 12 points, Wednesday 6. Why?
Sounds very similar to something that happened in Glasgow reasonably recently. Edit: just been reading about Italian football. Parma and Foggia have also gone bankrupt and had to reform in recent years.
Never said anyone was "...too big to go down". I said that any club that has a fan base of that size, if run properly should be able to attract the standard of player and coaches to at least to punch at their weight. We know Wednesday have not been run right though, or recruited properly, so are where they are...
We can at least agree that they have been mis-managed. However, the number of fans does not equate to having the right to win football matches imho