Hi all. I am just putting the feelers out there as I am looking at running a coach to away games next season. I am in discussions about it and once all is finalised and accepted then more official channels will be updated. The pick up spot will be from Grimey. This is to help people out from this end of the Barnsley Borough. Eg, Grimey, Brierley, South Hiendley, South Elmsall etc. We all know how much prices have gone up in every industry, so just to try save a little bit on taxi fares to tarn to catch coaches to away games hopefully this will help enough people to get a full enough coach. if there is anyone on here that would be interested drop me a DM and I will get back to you. REDS!
It’s was outrageous the amount they charged. From the moment I was told the price I was fuming all way up until kick off.
Great idea this, I know quite a few from Hemsworth/Kirkby/Elmsall that go home and away regularly that would be interested in this.
@Hooky feller runs the Hoyland Reds, maybe ask him for some pointers. You need a name and a flag first with your antics it could be a money spinner this, ask your young un to set up a YouTube/Tik Tok channel with Granty "Merch". A few to start: - megaphone - **** the stewards pin badges - hug the stewards pin badges - Granty belly suit, even young uns can get one for over their coats.
Majority of stuff is already in place mate. There’s a meeting on Sunday regarding boozer opening early for us, see how that goes.
PM me if you want. if I can offer any advice I will. What you definitely need is a good team behind you. I make most of the decisions with approval from the committee. and we are trusted by our members to serve em as best we can. Pricing etc. And trust is something we rely on from our members in return. Lindsay manx Roy Athersley reds John East Dene Steve Courthouse May offer advice depending on how you want to run. We all operate differently so it's not a one size fits all..
That is a most definite!! I WILL NOT, I repeat I WILL NOT BE BEHIND THE WHEEL DRIVING THIS COACH. expecting my inbox to explode nar
Yes mate. I will be taking my young en to the majority of away matches and will more than likely be a few mates with their kids too.
Was thinking doing the same from my pub in Wombwell if you want to join forces if you don't get the response to fill a bus
Great idea to pick up places perhaps not covered. That was my aspiration for Penistone Reds I was involved in setting up in 2009 because of no supporters club the west side of the M1 remarkably. Best advice is see how others operate and follow the that, or won’t survive (eg may not work if just being a shuttle between pick up and ground with no stops). Loads set up since 2009 still going.