I’ve used this as an answer further down the group but in case it gets “lost” it goes something very close to this……… The BBS are a funny old bunch. Their leader is also the one with the cushy number interviewing club officials and doesn’t want to lose his so called “fame” and “influence”. So best not rock the boat with the CEO or Conway, or the owner(s) may well find more “compliant” individuals/fans to “grill ” them. The BBS has been a joke for years, and why I never joined. Same as the other Facebook fans groups. Red All Over are another bunch of clowns. As for the bloke asking the questions to the CEO being the same person that runs the BBS (him and others calling this group a hoax) isn’t that a conflict of interest? Either call the BBS the OST board, or stand down running the BBS and let someone else run it. Also the BFC OST calling itself the biggest fans group representing the supporters of BFC, it’s just not true any longer. Unless they have more than the 1.8k members on here? They should be made to change the description, it’s factually incorrect (otherwise known as a lie). And this person, wearing two hats, interviewing CEO’s like a new born kitten might, along with letting people post on his BBS, is upset that nobody will tell him what’s going on. And that’s exactly why him and the BBS hate this group. They hate not knowing what’s going on. In their tiny minds, their privileged position of having one of their Admins being the main man at the OST means they have an automatic right to know everything. Well, sorry, life don’t work like that. And to any sceptical members on here, you obviously have no experience of M&A (Mergers and Acquisitions) to know that acquiring parties always wait until the time suits them to make their move. It’s not uncommon though for them to leak a little bit information to get people on board with the aims. That looks what’s happened here. Many fans had become disillusioned, detached and uninterested in BFC this season. By leaking a little info and getting a Facebook group established, it’s given the opponent’s of the board and Conway somewhere to come together. And reignited interest and passion. It also lets any potential new owner know the strength of feeling and the numbers backing them. It also flushes out those like the OST and BBS who are against them. Sounds quite a clever person this prospective new owner, and as such we should have grounds for optimism. Make no wonder the people behind this campaign won’t give the OST and BBS members any information. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to work out why. ReplyForward
They sound like a bunch of absolute fannies. "Ooooh we (claim to) know something about the club that you don't and we're going to dripfeed it, despite us setting this group up because all our current owners do is dripfeed stuff".
Yeah but the response from some people has made them look like fannies too. Some of it just looks like sour grapes because the facebook group has had a bit of the limelight. I'm in neither camp.
There seems little evidence that the current owners wish to sell, or that there really exists anyone willing to buy the club. Bit of a pointless debate, therefore.
So true, bbs full of snowflakes like some weird cultural british bashing society very weird set of tossers and haven't got the balls to push the owners out whoever asks the questions. Haha this is going to be funny.
If it's so bad and people agree, then why do you continue to use it and post on here?? Now I'm not saying that comes across as being a bit thick, but...
Just enjoying watching people getting their knickers in a twist. In actual fact neither party is in the know. That's why it's so amusing.
I don’t think there’s a camp regards BBS anyway tbh . I don’t regard being a contributor to the BBS puts me in a catergory and b All being against something . I agree and disagree with the same posters on a wide range of subjects . It seems to me The Facebook page needs an us and them to thrive . I agree with some of their posters and totally disagree with others as I do on here .
This is the thing that gets to me the most about this whole situation at the moment - it's fans against fans. Not a member on that FB group but a member of many others and an admin on one of the groups. We aren't very controversial and don't get mentioned often - plenty of distain for the BBs on plenty of the others though. Not sure what the problem is and not sure what I'm missing to be honest.
The current 'battles' between fans is a sad reflection of the 80%/20% b01locks we are all wanting an end to.
Vote EyUp & Down. Fook the rest. All playing at it. I can feel a campaign video coming on. We just hate everybody. Ourselves included.
Agreed. The Facebook group is a single issue group and this board is an eclectic and irreverent mix of football non-football comment and banter and wind ups and flounces and deep and shallow and long and short subjects. One of the many subjects discussed is the club ownership.
I mean call me a complete maverick but if I don't like a particular group or forum then I disengage from it and stop reading. I removed myself from the FB group once they started banning people randomly. What I don't do- like certain banned posters- is continue to read something I purportedly dislike (e.g YN). Exercise a bit of self-disclipline and get on with your lives.